Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Settle down

New Guy asked for my number. It is so he can contact me if he can't find the curry house on Thursday. I view this as a good thing. As soon as I sent him my number he text me with his and thanking me for including him in stuff.

Still don't get this guy fully, he's so nice to me, yet so cocky to others.

I was chatting a guy frined about it and he said it's probably new bloke in town mentality trying to figure out where his place is, who's top dog and once he's found his place things will settle down.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sweet as pie or arrogant as hell?

So, New Guy turned up at the pub. His mates came and visited him instead of him visiting them. Again to my face really friendly and he's coming out to the pub Wednesday night and I emailed him inviting him out with the guys for a curry night on Thursday and he says he's up for it.

Unfortunately, I was expecting more of a comeback on the curry usually when I organise a curry night heaps of people are up for it. Due to the Easter break currently it's me, bestfriend, bestfriend's hubby and New Guy. I think I'm gona be pre-warning him. It will be a good chance for some good chatting though.

Still a bit confused about the messages he's sending out. When he talks to me he's all sweetness, smiley, and nice, on email I've questioned whether he's slightly arrogant and he's managed to annoy a good friend of mine by coming across abrupt. A bit concerned that I see this nice guy and my friend sees a guy not so nice.

I think time is only going to tell on this guy because he sure as heck is taking some working out.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

So New Guy

So I sent new guy an email and he replied a one line reply without even asking me how I am. Why is he friendly to my face but by email abrupt. I don't get it or like it. He's told me he's been sick hence not being at the pub and he's going to another city this weekend to meet up with some friends so he'll see me soon. Whatever that means. I feel this isn't going anywhere fast and I kinda want fast.

oh dear that crush feeling is back.

New Guy wasn't at the pub last night. I was disappointed. I've emailed him today and now everytime I get an email I hope it's from him.

How sad am I?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

ey after everything?

New Guy seems to be strategically placing himself where I am. Other people are noticing it too. Where Gretta is New Guy doesn't seem to be far away.

I'm guessing it means he's potentially interested. It kind of got a bit weird on Sunday avo though! As I was leaving the local he said

"Gretta what are you doing this afternoon?"

I said "I have no plans what are you doing?"

He said "I don't really have any plans either, I'll prob make some stew for me and my flatmate and then go for a walk or something"

I think he was just about to invite me along, when Jerkboy butted in and said "Gretta need to chat to you about that work interview at some point, I know it's a Sunday but i'm not in your department next week and could do with getting a few things straight - plus it means there's one job off your to do list ;)"

So, that was that. I had to have a discussion with Jerkboy about work (on a bloody Sunday) I was glad Jerkboy butted in, and it was urgent (ish). I don't think I was ready to spend my whole Sunday afternoon with New Guy, I'm happy to take things a bit slower than that, an hour at the pub to get to know him a bit fine, whole afternoon just need a bit more time before that happens.

He's got a bit of a split personality this New Guy as well, chatting to me he's all sweetness and niceness but I've seen the way he talks to others and he comes across as a bit arrogant, so although I'd like to get to know him a bit better, I'm also a bit guarded.

Weird ey!

Oh and the ey thing, there is a new South African at work, and she says ey after everything, drives me potty mainly because now I seem to be saying ey after everything.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Gos on New Boy

So, since the email New Boy has been on the scene a little.

Basically, even though I was annoyed I sent another email round with a pub invite. This time he was very polite and came to the pub.

He automatically assumed JerkBoy and I were an item.

I met up with him yesterday morning for a walk, it sounds like a date it wasn't. It just happened he was free I was free and we decided to go for a short walk.

On this walk he was very open and honest. So here's the gossip.

He moved to my city in October. He was suppose to be moving with his long term girlfriend but the day before they moved they split up. He voluntarily told my that I wish I'd asked him why they'd broken up but I felt like I'd be prying. So, he ended up in a new city, with no friends, and had just lost his girlfriend of 2 and half years. Since then he's been lonely and has really found it difficult. He works for a charity that supply aid to Eastern Europe countries. However, even though it's the sort of job he'd always wanted to do, it's not all that and he's actually not enjoying it. So all in all, he was pretty down and since moving to my city has had a really rough trott.

I explained that I understand what it's like going through a break up and told him that I used to date CD. He was shocked by that. I explained we had a very on/off relationship and it sounds like we ended at roughly the same time. Part of me wonders if I should have told him or not, I didn't say anything bad about CD but he is friends with CD and maybe it should have been CD that told him.

Anyway he said he thought JerkBoy and I were a couple and I explained that I wouldn't have been able to get through the last 6 months if it wasn't for Jerkboy but he doesn't fancy me and I don't fancy him so even though we may seem like a couple we really are just good friends.

He seemed to understand. Truth is I don't fancy New Boy. I still think he's arrogant but I do like his honesty and if nothing else I look forward to being a friend.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New Guy is a moron

So you know that all consuming feeling I was talking about. It's completely vanished.

Ok the guys good looking but HE'S ARROGANT AS HELL!!!!!!

He replied to my email saying

"I don't check my emails often so you're lucky you caught me. I would have been keen to join you guys at the pub but I have a friend visiting that night so can't make it."

And that was it - no thanks for the invite, no friendly banter, and "I'm lucky I caught him" HOW FUCKING RUDE.

No longer fancy you JERK.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Just a little crush but more like complete infatuation.

So I saw New Guy once over the weekend for like about 5 minutes. Didn't even really talk just smiled at each other.

I fancy him. I have that all consuming feeling when you have a crush on someone. At every possibility I'm trying to find things out about him. I literally stalk his facebook page. He's never on facebook chat which annoys me because I want to chat to him. I've emailed him to say the guys are going to the pub on Tuesday night if he wants to join us. He hasn't replied. I think he knows I'm interested and is playing the whole Mr Cool thing or he is just ignoring me. Which is somewhat worse.

I still question whether he knows about me and CD because their now friends. But all I want to do is to get to know this guy. I think he's handsome, friendly enough, and definitely my type. I'm not into doing things slow either which means my patience is somewhat under a test.

I so want him to come out with teh guys Tuesday night I want a chance to get to know him.

Friday, March 12, 2010


So New Guy. Still can't believe he's friends with CD still can't get him off my mind. He's a handsome one and I know he's currently single. We're now friends on facebook and through that I have his email address. I have sent him an email just waiting for him to reply.

I am officially a stalker I keep looking at his facebook page and his pictures. He still has pics of his ex on there and she is a stunner at first I thought there is no way I could compare to that, but then I remembered the Gretta charm and I'm going to bring it out.

I feel naughty, I want this guy, I think I want to play with him, I think he could handle it and I haven't played for a long time now. Bring on the Gretta charm.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Guy

So, last night New Guy walks in the pub. He comes sits by me and we have a really good chat. Then CD walks in. Turns out New Guy is meeting CD. New Guy asks if I want to join them, I tell him I was actually meeting my friend there who was late as usual. (I have no issues sitting in the pub alone I know some of the guys behind the bar well enough to natter with).

CD looks at me kind of shocked that me and New Guy know each other. I'm not surprised him and New Guy know each other they've probably got talking about mountains and walking and become mates.

My friend finally arrives. We spend the night drinking and chatting as you do. I half hope to say goodbye to New Guy but know I can't interrupt him and CD seem to have been in some deep and meaningful all night long. Part of me is put off by his friendship with CD the other part of me knows CD is leaving and in knowing he's leaving. So that friendship is hopefully only going to be short lived.

Monday, March 08, 2010

When problems start occuring....

So that guy at the pub the one that reminds me people of CD. Well, he thinks JerkBoy and I are an item.

Now I have to somehow figure out a way of letting him know JerkBoy and I aren't an item. See all this time with JB is getting me nowhere.

Oh and this new guy needs a name once I've come up with one I'll let you know.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

This Guy I met....

About 4 months ago (not that long after CD and I broke up) I saw a new guy at the local. I noticed him straight away, mainly because he had a nice body. Very muscular actually similar to CDs. I didn't think that much of it at the time.

He soon joined the pub football team which some of my gang are involved in - Best Friend's hubby plays for the pub team and so does Jerkboy and another guy on occasion. Jerkboy hasn't really spoken to this guy, but best friend's hubby has and told me that he reminds him of CD completely he's into mountaineering and is just similar. Best friend's hubby told me to steer clear that I don't need another CD in my life.

Truth is I haven't seen this guy at the pub for a long time anyway. However, on Friday night he was there and I was there and he sat near me, so we started chatting. In my eyes he's handsome there is no way of denying that, in my head I'm already setting up time at the local in hope to bump into him again. I know that I should listen to my friends that he's just like CD and isn't for me, but I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt too. Plus I miss all the mountain walking my thighs are getting big :(

Saturday, March 06, 2010


I've decided it's possible Jerkboy has the shits. With me I mean. Oh I'm not even sure what I mean by the shits.

We'd arranged to hang out this evening, just go to the local. All of our friends are somehow busy doing other things so we were just gona meet up the pub the 2 of us. Then JerkBoy texts me saying "i've hurt my leg at football and I'm knackered so if it's jsut the pub I'm giving it a miss".

I replied "well if that's the case we could go to the cinema to watch Alice in Wonderland"

"I've promised another girl a non date to go and see it in the week".

Oh he's been going on "NON" dates with other girls.

So that was that my night out turned into a night in, there is nothing on TV, no one online, and ok I may well have gone out last night and didn't get until 4.30am and I'm really beginning to think I'm too old for that now. But...... I'm bored out of my brains. It's a Saturday night and I'm sat on my bed, alone, buying crap off ebay and writing this.

I so need a proper man in my life.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


The aim for this week was simple.

DON'T CONTACT JERKBOY - Just give your confusion a break for a while.

Kind of didn't happen that way, I had to contact him regarding work. Then I kind of contacted him a lot yesterday both via facebook and text, then I've text him today to see if he fancies meeting up with some old friends of ours later!!!

Ahh so that aim wasn't successful then.