When friends try to ruin things....
I'm not back for long I just really needed a rant so where is the best place to rant but right here. M Maybe this will become my rant station.
Since being in a relationship I've felt the emotional pull on my time. Suddenly I don't have as much free time as I used to have. I'm now combining meeting his family with him meeting my family, I'm combining meeting his friends with him meeting my friends, I'm combining social events and juggling finding alone time. On top of that he has to go away at least one weekend in every month. We have weddings to attend and 30th birthday parties as my friends are one by one hitting that age.
My life is suddenly busier than most could imagine. I've always been busy however being busy single is somewhat easier. Combine 2 busy lives and look at the diary now reduces you to tears wondering when you're going to find alone time with your favourite person.
However, this is where the problem arises one of my single friends is getting more and more demanding on my time and I'm beginning to recent her for it. Even when I was single I didn't spend that much time with her but I guess over the years she's been a very strong single friend and God knows I needed single friends.
So, she contacted me a few weeks back and she said that she and 2 others I know want to meet up with me and go out for a meal. My first response was
Gretta: Great I'd love to go for a meal with you guys. I can do Monday, Thursday or Sunday evenings let me know some you have free and we'll arrange it.
Friend: We can't do any of those evening we can only do Friday evening when are you free on a Friday evening.
Friday evenings had kind of turned into the evening I spend alone with my man so it's not always the first evening I want to offer but not only that I am visiting his family this Friday evening, next Friday evening I'm at a wedding reception and another Friday coming up I'm at a friend's 30th.. Fridays just weren't really working for me...
Gretta: The only 2 Fridays I can do before the end of May are Friday 20th April and Friday 18th May are any of those good for you?
Friend: How about Friday 27th April
Gretta: No I can't do that Friday I can do Friday 20th April and Friday 18th May.
Friend hasn't got back to me about what Friday I can do...
Then the same friend sends me a text yesterday
Friend: do you want to do lunch on good friday
Gretta: I can't do lunch I'm travelling up north to meet the inlaws.
Then today one of my married friends contacted me
Married Friend: I'd love for you and friend to come and meet my new baby when are you guys free?
Gretta: I can do Tuesday evening or next Sat lunchtime
Friend: I can do next Sat but I don't think you should have said lunchtime she might feel she has to do us lunch with a new baby
Gretta: Well I can't do too late in the afternoon because I have a friend's birthday party to go to on the evening.
Friend: we should suggest later in the afternoon.
I just feel that she doesn't seem to like that I have other plans and wants to purposely make things awkward for me. I was sat at my desk almost in tears about the demands I'm feeling she's putting on my time at the moment. Maybe when I was single I could fit in with her single schedule but I can't any more I'm already combining 2 diaries. I replied and purposely laid on the guilt trip..
Gretta: lunchtime is the best time for me that day I'll make sure married friend knows she doesn't have to do us food. I'm almost in tears because I feel so guilty that I can't please everyone at the moment things for me are busy and I hate not being able to fit people in but things will quieten down but right now lunchtime that Saturday is what I can offer and I'm sorry and I feel guilty and I feel like crying every time I open the diary but give me a break I'm trying.
I've had no response from my friend but Married Friend has contacted me saying her husband is going to do a BBQ that day and they'll love for us to come and eat at lunchtime and meet their new baby and that if I want my boy can come too as they'd love to meet him. Not sure I should let him come because how will friend feel having two couples and no single people there although the bitch in me wants to get my boy to come, be all lovey dovey and say fuck you!!!! It's not just me any more, I do have someone else to consider and my life doesn't revolve around you.
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