Thursday, May 21, 2009

He's back,,,

,,, Am I the only one totally stoked about the return of Eminem! Maybe but you gotta love him. Right?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Missing me?

It's not that I blame him, but I feel it's his fault. You see I feel like I'm a twenty something going on 60 something. CD has got himself an allotment at his work and once he's cleared the brambles we're going to start growing veges. As sweet as that sounds, I haven't been clubbing in months, I have no disasterous dating stories to tell me married (acting older than their age) friends, and I feel like Gretta is losing... Gretta.

Don't get me wrong I've done a lot of things wrong, I'm the girl that caused someone else's man to cheat on them, I'm the one that craved attention so much I would pretty much do anything to get it, I'm the one that always got it on with randoms at weddings, and I'm the one that always seemed to date a moron or 3.

CD is a fabulous man, he takes care of me, he looks after me, he's wonderful. But is he changing me or am I just changing.

The sad thing is I'm looking forward to the journey of growing our own veges, and I'm looking forward to cooking them. Just part of me misses being that little bit wild but the other part of me thinks it feels right to settle.

I dunno I just miss naughty Gretta but also like settled Gretta. It's a weird kind of limbo place to be. tis all.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Brighter days are coming!

If I said it had all been smooth between me and CD I'd be telling a porky. We had a huge row over something ridiculously stupid, which made me give him the cold shoulder, which resulted in him not wanting to make effort with me, which resulted in us both being extremely insecure and almost chucking away 3 fabulous months. If it wasn't for a middle aged married couple and the wife in that couple having counselling skills, knocking some serious sense into us, then we could well be living separate lives right now. So I guess I have a lot to thank them for if we work things out for the long term, if we end up breaking up next week, I'll blame the married couple for another wasted few weeks of my life!!!

However, since making up properly, things seem to be going well again....

In other news, I'm pretty sick at the moment, have to go into hospital over the next 2 weeks and am not looking forward to it. Hopefully CD will be patient with my while I try to recover!