Monday, December 27, 2010

Men Pah!

I am really pissed of with men at the moment.

CD emailed me to wish me a happy Christmas, he took the time and made it personal. We split up well over a year ago now sometimes the effects make it feel like yesterday yet when I think of CD I know it feels like longer than a year I don't even know who he is anymore nor do I want too.

If hearing from CD wasn't bad enough I haven't heard from Datesite guy which I've decided is far far worse.

It might sound insane to you but I was sooo looking forward to some harmless fun. Yes that's right. Good harmless fun. Bloody hell the guy asked me twice if I wanted to go on a date with him, twice I replied saying yes and the second time when are you in my city? NO REPLY.

Ok I'm not one for one night stands but maybe I was thinking about breaking that rule, maybe I just wanted to be close to a man, to feel a man to be with a man and then all I get is a stark realisation that the man can't even be bothered to make an effort to arrange a date.

So yes man out there you've really pissed me off!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm a girl I can't help it!

So I've now added date site guy on facebook and had a really good look at his pictures. He's quite dishy, which I knew from his date site pic but you always use your best pic for the date site.

He's still up for meeting but has still not organised it and not only that the UK is coated in snow and travel is majorly disrupted so I'm trying to stay completely level headed about it all.

Due to weather it might not happen

Due to distance it's highly unlikely we'll be more than friends

However, in my head I've moved in, been proposed to and had his children. I've not even met him yet. So, need to put the girl back in and let the logic take over.

In other news I feel so sick - bloody mince pies why do I eat them when they make me feel ill.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dating Site Madness!!!

So it would seem over the Christmas Period I've lined myself up with a date with a doctor. I've not spoken to him on the phone and we've only sent a few messages via the dating site backwards and forwards.

He doesn't live in the area but is passing through while visiting family in other parts of the UK. This could be interesting I think he potentially could be very well spoken and very pretentious. Or he could be caring and lovely ha!

If anything it will give me something to blog about. Roll on my Christmas date!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

I like her, I like her a lot...

JerkBoy: So Gretta what do you think of my new girlfriend?

Gretta: I like her, in fact I think she's the nicest girl you've introduced me to. I like her lot.

JerkBoy: Darn it, I like dating girls you don't like just to wind you up. Why do you like her sooo much?

Gretta: I have my reasons but I'm not telling you....

Because how do you tell someone the reason you like their girlfriend is because they're much more in their league then the girls they've gone for before, they're not drop dead gorgeous so won't end it when someone better looking comes along, they're not skinny enough that they might break if you touch them (like JBs previous choices) and they're not overly intelligent.

She seems normal and that's why she differs from the others and that's why I like her. I mean it's almost an insult rather than a compliment... But the thing is I like her because she's in his league which means it actually might work for him.... So, I can't tell him why I like her but I like her, I like her a lot.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Sleeping Pretty.

JerkBoy: I feel bad I came over to catch up with you and I fell asleep.

Gretta: It's ok I don't actually mind because you look so pretty when you sleep.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

He's a sweetie pie

I've been going to an evening course on a Tuesday Evening since September. On this course I've met a guy. He's lovely, sweet, good looking, single, good sense of humour and we've really connected. But there's something for me that at this moment in time doesn't feel right.

I think it's pretty obvious we are fond of each other and I've tried my hardest to keep it on the quiet infront of the other class mates but it's becoming near impossible.

When I arrived on Tuesday his face lit up, he just smiled at me this huge smile and then during the session I got that feeling that someone was looking at me and low and behold he was.

I walk to the carpark with a couple of the girls on the course and one of them was faffing about and I could see that he was reluctant to leave purposely so he could walk with me, and then we had this awkward silent walk together while the girls I usually walk with were a few steps behind.

Here's the problem - he's sweet, likeable, and I'm getting the distinct impression interested in me but something just doesn't quite sit right with me.

Have you ever had that feeling? or am I just being a little silly?