Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'm a girl I can't help it!

So I've now added date site guy on facebook and had a really good look at his pictures. He's quite dishy, which I knew from his date site pic but you always use your best pic for the date site.

He's still up for meeting but has still not organised it and not only that the UK is coated in snow and travel is majorly disrupted so I'm trying to stay completely level headed about it all.

Due to weather it might not happen

Due to distance it's highly unlikely we'll be more than friends

However, in my head I've moved in, been proposed to and had his children. I've not even met him yet. So, need to put the girl back in and let the logic take over.

In other news I feel so sick - bloody mince pies why do I eat them when they make me feel ill.


Blogger Scotty said...

You never know Gretta!

Have you named your kids yet? :)

8:17 AM  
Blogger Rusty said...

If there was blood in the mince pie, why would you eat it?

Sorry. I know it was lame.

8:49 PM  

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