Sunday, December 05, 2010

I like her, I like her a lot...

JerkBoy: So Gretta what do you think of my new girlfriend?

Gretta: I like her, in fact I think she's the nicest girl you've introduced me to. I like her lot.

JerkBoy: Darn it, I like dating girls you don't like just to wind you up. Why do you like her sooo much?

Gretta: I have my reasons but I'm not telling you....

Because how do you tell someone the reason you like their girlfriend is because they're much more in their league then the girls they've gone for before, they're not drop dead gorgeous so won't end it when someone better looking comes along, they're not skinny enough that they might break if you touch them (like JBs previous choices) and they're not overly intelligent.

She seems normal and that's why she differs from the others and that's why I like her. I mean it's almost an insult rather than a compliment... But the thing is I like her because she's in his league which means it actually might work for him.... So, I can't tell him why I like her but I like her, I like her a lot.


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