Monday, June 29, 2009


Over the weekend Flatmate had his engagement party. I know because the pics are all over facebook, and yes although I haven't been in contact with Flatmate for I don't know how long? And who knows if he ever turned up at my old flat for any booty calls since I move, but it was still funny seeing him all loved up with Gifty, Gifty who he's marrying, Gifty who he said wasn't the one for him and how they were like chalk and cheese, Gifty who he told me that if he ended up marrying meant he was settling. Yet he still never left her for me. And I'm glad because who wants the guy that cheats on his long term girlfriend with you and slags off his long term girlfriend too you, I mean even I don't really want that guy!!! But I still find it bizarre that he's actually marrying her. After all the stuff he said. I feel sorry for her really, I mean she's marrying someone who cheated on her for at least 6mths of their relationship, her boyfriend was not only sleeping with someone else, but telling someone else he loved them, sending someone else valentines day cards, being intimate with someone else, it wasn't just sex. And she didn't know? I little part of me still thinks she must have known but a bigger part of me thinks she didn't. Anyway, it's not like we're still having the afair now, it's over, it's just the engagement pics made me realise that, I dunno really, that it was all a lie. A sleezy lust filled lie.

I have my true and faithful CD, who is off mountaineering in Europe for the week. I miss him already, I found out today some close friends of mine are having marriage problems and I wanted to talk to him about them, I wanted him to tell me that I'm not to worry and get upset and to let them work it out, I wanted him to come comfort me, but he's not here. It sucks, I miss him and he only left yesterday. He's also growing a beard. A full on proper beard. It kind of turns me on.

Monday, June 15, 2009


GOD i don't know why this has fucking pissed me off so bloody much, but it has..

P.S it's time for a gretta rant

p.p.s aren't you suppose to put at the end well fuck that.


My sister is a tosspott!!! I went out with her on Saturday to get our Father's day gift, we always get a joined one because we're both stingey has fuck and we're stingey coz that's trait passed to us from our father.

Anyhow, my sister has recently started living with her bloke, he's never been into 'family time' his mum died when he was a kid, and he never got on with his dad so his 1 aunt raised him. Our family has been well into family time!!! We're a pretty close nit bunch and I mean even my cousins and aunts etc...

Basically we got my dad a cheap present and then we're taking him out for a meal on us. NICE!!! When we were out buying teh present she said to me my bloke doesn't really 'do' family time. So I took this as her telling me please don't invite CD to the meal it will make my bloke feel like he had to come - ok so she doesn't say that literally, I did assume that's what she meant, but that's how it came across he doesn't do, he doesn't enjoy, he isn't into 'family time'.

I made a decision after that conversation to save putting her bloke into an awkward position I wuldn't invite CD. CD gets on really well with my folks, I'm currently living with my folks so he gets more opportunities to see them, even though CD might have liked an invite to our family meal I figure it would be less stress to not invite him and not put my sisters bloke in a funny position. I was doing what I thought was the right thing from what my sis had told me.. I was actually trying to be nice.

I get this bloody email today from my sister telling me she'd like to invite her bloke, this is fine, but I feel I should check with dad as I kind of gave him the impression it would just be us. Then my sis starts on one saying "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, I LIVE WITH MY BLOKE IT FEELS ODD NOT INVITING HIM". I felt like saying you fucking bitch I did it so your bloke wouldn't feel awkward about saying no... Anyway I've now invited CD and neither CD or her bloke has yet replied to the invite. Part of me hopes her bloke says no and cd says yes and then she'll understand why I approached it that way in the first place.

As you can see I'm extremely riled but maybe the motto for me is that I shouldn't have just assumed but maybe my sister shouldn't have told me her bloke doesn't 'do' family time....


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Since my operation...

I've found myself struggling with food.

I've never been a fussy eater, I've always enjoyed my food, but now there are things I struggle with..

Curry makes me spew and I mean like chuck up everything, scraping every last bit from my stomach lining - it's gross. And I feel sorry for CD coz curry is one of his favourite things.

Strong Cheese, I just have to smell it and I feel so ill.

Mayonaise, I want it in my sandwich when I make them on a morning but as soon as I open my sandwiches at lunchtime I find myself scraping it out of the sandwich becuase I just don't fancy it.


Not only can I not eat those things, I seem to have up'd my chocolate consumption by about 75%.