Monday, June 15, 2009


GOD i don't know why this has fucking pissed me off so bloody much, but it has..

P.S it's time for a gretta rant

p.p.s aren't you suppose to put at the end well fuck that.


My sister is a tosspott!!! I went out with her on Saturday to get our Father's day gift, we always get a joined one because we're both stingey has fuck and we're stingey coz that's trait passed to us from our father.

Anyhow, my sister has recently started living with her bloke, he's never been into 'family time' his mum died when he was a kid, and he never got on with his dad so his 1 aunt raised him. Our family has been well into family time!!! We're a pretty close nit bunch and I mean even my cousins and aunts etc...

Basically we got my dad a cheap present and then we're taking him out for a meal on us. NICE!!! When we were out buying teh present she said to me my bloke doesn't really 'do' family time. So I took this as her telling me please don't invite CD to the meal it will make my bloke feel like he had to come - ok so she doesn't say that literally, I did assume that's what she meant, but that's how it came across he doesn't do, he doesn't enjoy, he isn't into 'family time'.

I made a decision after that conversation to save putting her bloke into an awkward position I wuldn't invite CD. CD gets on really well with my folks, I'm currently living with my folks so he gets more opportunities to see them, even though CD might have liked an invite to our family meal I figure it would be less stress to not invite him and not put my sisters bloke in a funny position. I was doing what I thought was the right thing from what my sis had told me.. I was actually trying to be nice.

I get this bloody email today from my sister telling me she'd like to invite her bloke, this is fine, but I feel I should check with dad as I kind of gave him the impression it would just be us. Then my sis starts on one saying "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, I LIVE WITH MY BLOKE IT FEELS ODD NOT INVITING HIM". I felt like saying you fucking bitch I did it so your bloke wouldn't feel awkward about saying no... Anyway I've now invited CD and neither CD or her bloke has yet replied to the invite. Part of me hopes her bloke says no and cd says yes and then she'll understand why I approached it that way in the first place.

As you can see I'm extremely riled but maybe the motto for me is that I shouldn't have just assumed but maybe my sister shouldn't have told me her bloke doesn't 'do' family time....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did the right thing, Gretta. And, your rant--well--if I had hair, it would have blown my bangs back over my scalp. I heard the volume of your voice. Effective.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

Yeah, you were obviously pissed there.

My two brothers and I are still all in college, so we try not to spend too much. We also try to keep things on an even-keel by throwing in on a group present.

My youngest brother recently gave me no money, so he got no signature on the card that accompanied our recent present. He wanted to fight me afterwards for making him look like a dick.

He should have paid me. I gave him plenty of notice.

In short, siblings suck.

8:33 PM  

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