Thursday, June 11, 2009

Since my operation...

I've found myself struggling with food.

I've never been a fussy eater, I've always enjoyed my food, but now there are things I struggle with..

Curry makes me spew and I mean like chuck up everything, scraping every last bit from my stomach lining - it's gross. And I feel sorry for CD coz curry is one of his favourite things.

Strong Cheese, I just have to smell it and I feel so ill.

Mayonaise, I want it in my sandwich when I make them on a morning but as soon as I open my sandwiches at lunchtime I find myself scraping it out of the sandwich becuase I just don't fancy it.


Not only can I not eat those things, I seem to have up'd my chocolate consumption by about 75%.


Blogger Scotty said...

Mmmm... chocolate..

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read once that sausage contains the same chemical that can be found in chocolate. The same "drug" that women crave. So, y'know, go ahead and eat the chocolate. But perhaps all you women need is a good, stiff hunk o' meat.

Ahem. Yeah, that was my sexist comment of the day. I hope you found it funnier than you did offensive.

It's nice to see you're still around, Gretta. Nice to see you still have your secret life.

10:10 PM  

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