Thursday, March 26, 2009

The tough question I'd expected...

.... Will you come rock climbing with me?

When I agreed to get back together with CD, I said it was under the condition that he could accept me into his life without me having to go rock climbing. He wanted me back, he was desperate for us to be back together, he would have agreed to anything I'd said! Clearly!... Because he hadn't remembered that conversation and the other day while I was helping him paint his spare room, that question was asked.

First response NO!

He said lots to me, like that shows me your character.. Why wont you consider having that experience with me, I'll keep you safe.

That night I stood by my NO!

You see I'm afraid of heights, in fact I'm petrified of heights, in the past I've done absailing and cried the whole evening after the experience, and if that wasn't enough I tried a climbing wall just to find out half way up I froze and had to have the instructor come and talk me down. It was humiliating along with terrifying. I've climbed a ladder to put up Christmas decs on the high office ceiling to find myself in tears and begging a colleague to do it for me.

So Rock Climbing is an experience in my life I can happily do without.

Overnight, I considered it. I thought in a relationship my aim should be to put the other person first and he wants this experience with me, so in the morning I text him and said...

"I'll do it but it better be soon before I change my mind"

The next day I spent the morning in work in tears out of fear of what I had agreed to do. At lunch time I rang him and said that I really didn't want to do it, the only reason I was doing it was because I was putting him first and I didn't want to do it. He said it was ok and he'd start me off small, he put my mind at ease somewhat.

Then last night, I led awake in bed, nothing in me wants to even try this rock climbing lark, it scares the shit out of me. So, on msn today while I was at work I told him I didn't want to do it, that if he judges my character because I don't wnat to do something that's unfair of him.

For him I have walked up mountains, something I would have never have done before, for him I have canoed down a lake, for him I have done wild camping with no shower facilities, for him I actually think I'd die because at least once you're dead you can't relive the experience in your head over and over again pertrifying yourself, but rock climbing is something I REALLY don't want to do. I'll watch him do it, if he wants to talk to me about I'll listen, but nothing in me wants to climb up the side of a cliff nothing at all.

He said it was fine, that I didn't have to do it and that i shouldn't let it keep me awake at night or cause me to get upset during my day, he was really quite good but he still thinks I should try it some time. My response was...

I really don't want to.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Monster in Law!

I can;t believe it's been 2 weeks since I last posted? Whre have I been?

Well, right here, busier, maybe! but I have no excuses.

So meeting mother and father in law wasn't so bad, father in law in fact I can see I'll get on pretty well with, only issue is he's poorly and may not have that long left, which is sad and I'll have to be a rock to CD when that happens, anyway we're not here to be morbid! Mother in law still going to need some work, she clearly loves CD, obviously she's his mother, issue isn't really that, issue is her oldest son doesn't ever do anything without his currently gf, it's like their joined at the hip constantly and she feels like she's lost one son, and she doesn't want the same thing to happen with CD. I understand but at the same point she will have to let go a little. The plus is she lives an hour and half away, so it's not like she's monitoring our relationship, the bad point is she assumes I'm to be just like the other girl, which in fact I'm a pretty independent chick!

Anyhoo, things with CD are going well, but he's been laid up ill with bronchitis this week so I've had to play nurse with not much little comeback if you catch my drift there has been a line between us not to cross so I don't get infected with his germs, and I kind of want his attention now so I may just have to get sick!

Not much else to tell, the suns out in England. it's bonny!

Gretta x

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Meet the parents...

...Take 2

This weekend I'll be spending with CD's parents. Last time we spent the weekend with them, it was the beginning of the end.

This time I feel optimistic.

Hopefully I was bodge it up Gretta Style.