Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday Smiday...

Last night with Rocky wasn’t too bad at all, she’s pretty heartbroken and acting a little strange but she hasn’t slept much in 3 nights so it’s kind of understandable for her to be acting strangely.

She’s still pretty unsure what she’s going to do. I don’t think she wants to take him back but then if he turned up at her door and got down on bended knee and asked him to marry her I am pretty sure she’d say yes. So, who really knows what’s gona happen there. She did text me to say thanks for hanging out with her so I think maybe I was her rock yesterday.

I’ve thought about Flatmate a little bit today, but not enough to make me write him an email. I just don’t want to hurt anymore, I don’t want to cause hurt to his relationship with Gifty and I don’t want him to hurt, so cutting him out of my life is the best option all round. I am pretty certain he was a bit cranky with me the other day when I told him that this was goodbye. I don’t like the thought of leaving him angry or cranky but he’d never really truly understand what goes on in my head, it’s a very analytical place! I’m just glad I got to say goodbye and at least tell him where he stood even if it hurts and I will miss him at least he knows it’s for good. I don’t think he’ll try to contact me ever again either, I think he knows that I’ve cut him out for a reason and if he chased me down I’d want him to end things with Gifty, and he’s not willing to do that.

I text Climber Dude last night, he was suppose to be going to buy a guitar in the afternoon yesterday (after our lunch meeting NOT date) and he said to me he was gona see if he could get his bank manager to extend his overdraft so he was able to buy the guitar. I told him that I think he should get the guitar shop to hold the guitar for him and then pay for it with his next pay packet therefore not causing his overdraft to be too big. So I text him to find out if he got the guitar or not and if he had his sensible hat on haha. He text me back saying the shop didn’t have the guitar he wanted so he assumes that meant his sensible hat was on and he’s going to go back next week to check if the one he wants is in!

I thought maybe he’d mention going for another lunch or something but he didn’t! See not a date at all just a meet up.

So I don’t think anything is going to progress with Climber Dude.

I’ve not really got any plans for the weekend – I am thinking it’s gona be a quiet one, although I haven’t seen Jerk Boy since the meeting on Tuesday night and he didn’t speak to me at that meeting so I am sure I’ll probably see him at some point this weekend.

Oh and Batman hasn’t seen Robin yet to pass on my email address but with Robin being over an hour and a half away I’ve kind of given up on that one!

Till next time…Gretta xx


Blogger Scotty said...

I dont think youll just instantly stop thinking about Flatmate, you're doing well though. Time will be good to you.

I think it was a date :)

8:53 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Do you want to be involved with someone irresponsible enough to overdraw on their checking account to purchase a guitar? :/ Just something to think about for the future. /srug

10:00 AM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Scotty: Yep it's been a tough evening on the Flatmate side of things, I can't seem to shake him from my mind tonight. I think I'm gona hit the sack in a minute, if I'm asleep I hopefully can't think about him. AND IT WASN'T A DATE LOL.

2x: I don't think I wana be involved with him to be honest. As for the overdraft thing, it did concern me slightly too but he does own a house(unlike me who rents), he does have a good job and he does come across as fairly sensible. I just think money's been tight because he's been paying for a holiday but yeah definitely something to consider in the future. I'm very good with my money so I certainly notice when other people aren't - never been in debt in my life.

3:00 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Sounds like you've got your head in order Gretta! Yeah, it bloodu hurts like hell leaving someone, but as you said, if he cared he would chase you. He hasn't so try not to dwell.

We'll find someone worthy Gretta. One day!

7:31 PM  

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