Monday, June 11, 2007


Socal Sweetie has inspired me to stop moping. So, that's what I am gona do!
Player called me this morning and I am pretty much certainly going to go and spend the weekend with him, not this weekend coming but the following one, so that gives me something to look forward to. My Best girlfriend reckons I should work it with Player and just have some fun, she's getting married soon and I swear she wants me to live a single life for her. I'm not going to do that, player is my friend and I don't want to complicate the matter.
Jerk Boy is suppose to be in work this afternoon. He hasn't been in the office when I have for about 6 months now as he now works different shifts to me but he's text me to say that as he's been working in a city 3 hours away he should have time to pop in the office at some point this afternoon. We both have the day off next week, to go to this interview thing he has. I think he might be popping in to the office to discuss that with me because we've been texting each other about what he should wear and we're torn between 2 outfits dependent on weather.
I spoke to Flatmate briefly this morning, but he was working and had to get back to it. I feel we're drifting a part now. It still saddens me but I'm being positive today. So back to positivity. Anyone for a cup of tea? you know a cup of tea is always the answer.


Blogger j;ljk said...

Hehe, yes, being positive is the way to go! Hope you have an amazing weekend with Player, and don't get into any situation that you don't want to, but definitely have you fun if you want to too ;]

10:51 AM  
Blogger Scotty said...

I feel we're drifting a part now
I think it makes things a little easier.. no?

4:40 PM  
Blogger Vengelyne said...

You know, Gretta, I think it's a good thing that you and him are drifting apart.

Wasn't that the whole idea of being back to friends? You don't get too romantically attached to a normal friend...

You be strong now. =) And you can do it, babe!

10:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Socal - I know too well what Player is like, I am gona be on my best behaviour.

Scotty - I guess it does make things easier in the long run, it's just hard I don't really want to lose him even tho it would be better for me.

Venge - I am sure you know the being strong is hard but you're right if I put my mind to it I can do it.

8:41 AM  

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