Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mr Tall's habits

So I've chatted to Mr Tall every day this week online which has been great and we've booked a phone date in for Friday night again. I dunno if I can cope on just phone dates.

His flatmate got on his computer today and we had a conversation about all of Mr Tall's bad habits it was quite funny.

Bad Habit 1. Walks around the house all day in his boxers (and that's a bad habit because????)

Bad Habit 2. He picks his nose and then flicks his snot on the floor (Ewwwwww ok that's grim)

Bad Habit 3. He leaves little parcels on the sofa and when I say parcels I mean parcels (flatmate you're making this up aren't you)

I know he does the first bad habit as for the other 2 I am not convinced.


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