Tuesday, November 07, 2006

You can compare my weekend to the noise that is made when you let air out of a balloon slowly.

So my weekend didn't go off with a bang more of a slight fizzle. I was looking hot but Pilot was a no show so it was pointless. I spent most of the night bickering with Jerk Boy he was being a git and rubbing me up the wrong way. The party was alright bar the bickering and freezing my butt off - wearing a skirt to watch fireworks is not the done thing. I blame Pilot.
At the moment there is a newbie man on the scene, we'll call him 'Mr Tall' He's 6 foot 3, blonde and seems to have taken a huge shine to me which is very flattering indeed. As always there are a few minor complications but it seems 'Mr Tall' has a lot of potential. I'll keep you updated.
Chris - short and sweet do you?


Blogger Christopher D. Bate said...

Chris as in me?

I'm short for a guy (just under six foot) if that makes any difference to anything. I'm not sure about sweet either. This is IF you were even referring to me..

I might be jumping the gun again..

9:19 AM  
Blogger Vengelyne said...

You have so many options in your life. I envy you. How do you do it?! =)

7:22 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Christopher - you weren't jumping the gun it was for you ;)

Veng - It's not so much that I have options it's that I don't ever rule anyone out even if they have 12 children and live in Yemen.


8:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw the odds
Your chances look way better than mine
Yet I can dream can't I

And dream I do


Sorry I've been away so long

9:49 AM  

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