Sunday, October 01, 2006

And I thought I was an attention seeker!

The Jerk Boy quest almost came tumbling to a hault yesterday. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and I was hanging out with 2 girlfriends. Then... Jerk Boy decided to text me. I did reply but after that he then continued to text me a seriously silly amount of times - talk about a boy craving attention.

Girl 1. Knows everything that happened between me and Jerk Boy and knew what he was playing at.

Girl 2. Who knows Jerk Boy knows absolutely nothing about what happened between me and Jerk boy and was beginning to become very curious by the amount of texts I was receiving.

I had sworn Girl 1 to secrecy ages ago knowing I could trust her. Where as girl 2 is known very well for her big mouth. Girl 1 managed to keep everything in when Girl 2 started asking me lots of questions about Jerk Boy.

Girl 2: So Gretta, how many texts has he sent you now.

Gretta: About 4

Girl 2: Do you think he likes you?

Gretta: No I really don't think he does - it's just we're friends and he's telling me about something.

*text goes off again*

Girl 2: You're not even replying to half of the texts he's sent you are you sure he doesn't have the hots for you?

Gretta: I am very sure.

Girl 1 in the meantime is trying to stop herself from cracking up completely - I can see her eyes trying to focus on the tv or something else so she wouldn't laugh.
Anyway this texting went on for a good few hours so after I parted from the girls I text Jerk Boy and the text said
"Look, I don't get free texts like you, if you've got no plans tonight why don't you come over. It is just me here but seriously it would save my credit"
I had to tell him it was just me here there has been an incident in the past where a group of us were suppose to be going out for a meal and 1 by 1 everyone dropped out leaving my and Jerk Boy - I was more than happy to go still because I hadn't bought any food to eat and the house was empty, but as soon as Jerk Boy realised it was just the 2 of us he said his apologies. So I know that he's very cautious about alone time with me.
He took ages to respond to that text and I thought to myself "you cheeky sod, you've been texting me all afternoon 1 after the other and the 1 text I need you to reply to you decide to ignore".
I guess he was just making his decision as to what he was going to do - it was obviously a decision that took some thought. His response was this
"Oh I 'think' I am suppose to be going round a mates house in about a hour. Thanks though".
He bothers me so much I mean what is he going to avoid alone time with me forever - we used to be such good friends hanging out alone all the time - why did stupid feeling have to get in the way of that. I mean nothing would have happened seriously. I am in a good place - it's him that started the text conversation, him that kept texting me even after I hadn't replied, him that was practically begging for attention. When I finally cave in he then backs away.
I am beginning to realise it's him that needs my attention more than me needing his, it's just when he starts giving me his I cave in like the middle of a cake, that's baking, as you open the oven door. Why does he have to know that he can have the cake and why can't just take a bite and tuck in. Is it some kick boys get out of knowing that they could have something if they REALLY wanted it? And more to the point why doesn't he want it? Cos I know it's good.


Blogger Vengelyne said...

What an asshole he is! You should've ignored him! See when you start giving in, he takes a few steps back... it's like when you reject his advances it turns him on because there's a challenge there, but when you cave in, he turns away and run.


I think some men are just like that. They treat a woman's heart as a game. When he's conquered the game, he'd just get bored of it and ignore. Sigh.

I hope you feel better, girl.. and yes, he's definitely an attention seeker. If you stop giving him any, he'd stop seeking it from you.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Christopher D. Bate said...

He sounds like he comes from the same school of insanity as my ex does.
Why do people make things so hard? It baffles me.
It makes you wonder if there are any good people out there at all..

5:47 AM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Veng - I dunno, I know I am a hopeless cause but when someone is so persistent I can't help but give in. I do need to learn to say no, to my own desires also.

Chris - Are there any good people out there? I'm really not so sure.

7:14 AM  
Blogger Christopher D. Bate said...

There are good people. There are people so good that I'm scared I'll ruin them. I've gotta get out of my funk. Get out there and MEET people and find out.

Ultimately, I'd like to find the girl that just says 'Snap out of it!' and then the fun begins.

She's a keeper, that one.

9:52 AM  

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