Monday, May 10, 2010

UUUgggg Men!

So New Guy text me yesterday to say that he'd be up the pub at about 6.30pm last night, that he was back from his weekend away and up for catching up for a bit. The guys were there anyway, so I headed up. He left early because he was knackered after being at a stag do all weekend.

I felt that might be him not interested. However, I received an email today from him apologising for being so lame just that he really was ridiculously tired.

JerkBoy is convinced he's interested. I'm just not so sure if he's interested enough to actually ask me out on a date. I kind of want him to but I think he's captain slow. Ooooh maybe that should be his name instead of New Guy.

Anyways, not that this is an issue, but kind of have another guy potential. You see I met a guy on a dating site when I had a 5 day free trial back a good few months ago now. I never thought it would come to anything, he lives in London which is miles away.

However, we've been ringing each other regularly and texting quite a bit and before I went to Cyprus he suggested meeting up. Anyway he's text me saying he's free tomorrow evening for a phone conversation and I know during the phone conversation he's going to want to arrange a time for a visit. JerkBoy thinks I should just go for it, and old Gretta would have, but I kind of was hoping that New Guy would have made a bit more of a move by now and I don't know what to do, I actually don't want to lead this other guy on to be honest he's not really my type I see him more as a friend, but on the other hand I like to keep my options open and New Guy is being ridiculously slow.


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