Trying to impress!
I called him back and this time I got his voicemail. It seems we're playing voicemail tennis.
Anyhow, the good thing out of all of this is that I'm finally trying to sort out my car. What does that mean, it means my car I've been using as a bin. I never minded so much with CD because his car was crap but this guy says he drives a porsche so it's made me decide that I should at least spruce my car up a bit.
My car has been on my to do list since July and I'm finally doing it. I found an empty can of redbull and 2 empty packs of harribo in the passenger well clearly CD had a habit of using my car like a bin too.
Really I need to date guys who don't drink redbull taht should have set the alarm bells off well early on in the relationship.
Anyhow, the good thing out of all of this is that I'm finally trying to sort out my car. What does that mean, it means my car I've been using as a bin. I never minded so much with CD because his car was crap but this guy says he drives a porsche so it's made me decide that I should at least spruce my car up a bit.
My car has been on my to do list since July and I'm finally doing it. I found an empty can of redbull and 2 empty packs of harribo in the passenger well clearly CD had a habit of using my car like a bin too.
Really I need to date guys who don't drink redbull taht should have set the alarm bells off well early on in the relationship.
Why no redbull? I have it every once in a while and my car is clean :)
To me, a tidy car and a tidy place say a lot about a person. Says they take care of themselves, and are more likely to take care of you.
hmm I dunno in a relationship I really like to take care of my man but my car, my car is a mess!!!!!
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