Monday, January 04, 2010


This is probably going to shock everyone. Well okay it might not shock a soul.

I've decided I'm bored. Bored of my life, bored of my job, bored of the same old same old.

This isn't just a new year resolution. I decided after CD and I broke up that my life had to change, that instead of embracing other people's dreams I needed to figure out what my dreams were.

Anyway, I still don't know but I've decided a change is needed. So first off I shocked my folks by telling them their daughter who had never considered uni previously because travel and boys consumed her life, is now 7 years too late considering university and asking for their support.

Second off I then told my friends who were equally as shocked

Third off I had to make a decision - I was tossing up Midwifery, Social Work and Nursing.

Midwifery has won and I've been filling in application forms and what not all over the Christmas break.

I have a slight problem. When I left school I studied a BTEC which is a qualification that is good enough to get me into Uni. The issue is it's in Animal Care which isn't necessarily an issue as it was full of science but I've never used the qualification since. I figure it was a 16 year old girls fad to care for animals.

Anyway, I've never been particularly academic, and it would require 3 years if not 4 (I may have to do an access course if they don't accept my btec in animal care) and it's a ridiculously huge step for me, but my life it needs to change.

I'm shit scared, I feel too old, I feel in adequate, but I'm determined to do this. It's time for a change and I know it.


Blogger Scotty said...

No one is ever too old for school :)

9:45 PM  

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