Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The disasterous phone call!!!

A simple phone call, that’s all it should be a simple phone call. I make phone calls all the time, this one shouldn’t be any different. So, why does it not surprise me and nor I’m sure surprise you when I say this phone call was a disaster.

I was sat in my evening class when I started to feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Dammit, it’s him I knew it would be him. This is getting ridiculous how many missed calls, voicemails, are we going to have to leave each other before finally booking this date.

Finally it was time to take a break, and without thinking which I figured was wise I decided to call him back there and then.

The phone rang, and it rang, and it.. He answered.


“Hi is that Gary? It’s Gretta”

“Oh hi”

*crackle crackle*

“I don’t think the reception is very good where I am”

“it could be my reception”

“So how was your day?”

“Yeah it was a good day, although fairly quiet this afternoon which was nice – how was yours did you manage to do some surfing?”

“Surfing? No no surfing apart from the web of course” Gretta you stupid girl of course he meant surfing the web why would he think you were surfing on a Monday afternoon!

“Did you see the news article that was on this website?” see Gretta he totally meant surfing the net.

“Ahh no but I did read an article about the same thing”

“he he”

*awkward silence*

Ok now I don’t know what to say, it’s still silent, why isn’t he asking me out, oh crap I need to get back to my course my break is over. I better break this awkward silence and I better rush the call.

“So did you want to meet up?”

“Yeah sure”

*another awkward silence* help me out here man

“So when are you free?” blooming heck I’ve gone into Gretta organising mode this isn’t good I need to let him do something.

“I can do Wednesday evening, yeah Wednesday evening will be good or Saturday afternoon?”

“I can’t do Wednesday evening, that’s really not a good evening for me”

and I need to get back to my course

“but I can do Saturday before 4pm I’ve got to be somewhere at 4pm, how about doing lunch on Saturday” lunch? Lunch? we’re supposed to be going for a casual drink, where did blooming lunch come from I don't enjoy eating in front of people I don't know???

“Yeah ok lunch on Saturday, this is going to sound really ungentle manly but you probably know places to eat in this city a little better than me so do you know of anywhere we can go”

I have to get back to my course, I should be in my course now.

“Tell you what I’ll find somewhere and then I’ll let you know, right so I’ll see you Saturday for lunch”

“yep cool I just have to remember to get out of bed”

“yes you better remember to get out of bed” Gretta you idiot did you just come across as demanding

*awkward chuckle on the other end of the line*



Why did I not tell him at the beginning of the conversation I was ringing him on the break of a course and had to get back? The longer the conversation went on the more I thought I couldn’t tell him for some odd reason, this made the phone call rushed and me completely controlling it and oh my goodness how in one conversation did I manage to assume that he was asking me if I had been surfing, then how pushy did I sound when I asked him if he wanted to meet up, then how did I manage to change a casual drink into food, and volunteer myself to find the venue, and then to top things off I came across as controlling and demanding definitely at the end of the call. I don’t even know why he wants to go on a date with me, if I were him I’d be scared and also thinking this girl is going to eat me alive.

Which actually I guess could be a possiblity.


Blogger Scotty said...

See, now you have something to talk about on Wed.... the phone call and how you were in class, etc :)

6:37 AM  

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