Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I feel safer now. I believe that JerkBoy is no longer going to google certain things he thinks is in this blog. In fact I think he would have forgotten by now that I ever mentioned having it. So my privacy password protected blog is no longer.... For now!

Speaking of JerkBoy, yesterday night at the pub this happened...

Gretta: Who are you texting?

JerkBoy: Lulu a girl I went travelling with, and when you called me the other night I was with her and she said to me is that Gretta? I was shocked but then I guess I did chat about you quite a bit while I was away, coz when I left backpack at one point I was like "uhoh Gretta is going to kill me" thankfully someone noticed and allowed me to drive back 2 hours for it.

Gretta: Jerk Boy... She doesn't remember me because you lost the backpack, she remembers me because of THIS INCIDENT

Jerk Boy: Oh yeah I completely forgot about that...

Gretta: Your friends are always going to remember me as the girl with the discharge aren't they?

Jerk Boy: yeah.. Probably!


Blogger Scotty said...

Woo hoo!

Now, you show up in reader.

8:20 AM  

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