Yesterday, I managed to break the photocopier. Usually I am proud of the certificate above the photocopier that says..
"Only Gretta is allowed to change the toner as toner is toxic"
"If a paperjam occurs see Gretta"
"Any issue with the photocopier, see Gretta, she'll fix it"
I clearly missed my calling in life, when it comes to our work photocopier I have always had the knack. I've always been able to fix it without having to call out the engineer.
That was until yesterday.
Yesterday I was photocopying our company magazine that I edit, and a piece of paper got jammed. "No problem" I thought to myself because I've dealt with numerous paperjams in the past.
Then, it happened, the paper was definitely jammed I had a ripped piece of paper in my hand with half the paper missing, but I opened every possible compartment yet still... NO PAPER.
So I tried to make the copier work anyway, but it wouldn't suck up the paper, of course it wouldn't there was a jam but where the heck was this jam. So, rather than call the engineer I still believed that I could sort this jam, I started attacking the photocopier, taking paper drawers completely out fiddling with rollers, and parts and that's when it happened a part of the photocopier came off in my hand and there was no way I could see where the part came from or how to put it back on.
I've since admitted defeat and rang the photocopier engineer, our magazine needs to be out on Monday!!!!
Anyway, now I'm stuck I need to go and pick stuff up from the shops but, I have to wait for the engineer, the boss is on holiday and there is a big project going down so colleagues don't have time. I'm half tempted to call up Jerk Boy on his day off and get him to run some errands for me.
The moral of this story is....
Photocopier pride, comes before a photocopier breakage! Nuff said.
"Only Gretta is allowed to change the toner as toner is toxic"
"If a paperjam occurs see Gretta"
"Any issue with the photocopier, see Gretta, she'll fix it"
I clearly missed my calling in life, when it comes to our work photocopier I have always had the knack. I've always been able to fix it without having to call out the engineer.
That was until yesterday.
Yesterday I was photocopying our company magazine that I edit, and a piece of paper got jammed. "No problem" I thought to myself because I've dealt with numerous paperjams in the past.
Then, it happened, the paper was definitely jammed I had a ripped piece of paper in my hand with half the paper missing, but I opened every possible compartment yet still... NO PAPER.
So I tried to make the copier work anyway, but it wouldn't suck up the paper, of course it wouldn't there was a jam but where the heck was this jam. So, rather than call the engineer I still believed that I could sort this jam, I started attacking the photocopier, taking paper drawers completely out fiddling with rollers, and parts and that's when it happened a part of the photocopier came off in my hand and there was no way I could see where the part came from or how to put it back on.
I've since admitted defeat and rang the photocopier engineer, our magazine needs to be out on Monday!!!!
Anyway, now I'm stuck I need to go and pick stuff up from the shops but, I have to wait for the engineer, the boss is on holiday and there is a big project going down so colleagues don't have time. I'm half tempted to call up Jerk Boy on his day off and get him to run some errands for me.
The moral of this story is....
Photocopier pride, comes before a photocopier breakage! Nuff said.
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