Thursday, July 24, 2008


I haven't blogged for ages.

Currently haven't set up my router at the folks house so haven't been able to get online on an evening, and as I had some time off to move, getting back to work meant I was snowed under.

Anyhow, went on facebook this morning to find a big message on my home page.

"Flatmate went from being in a relationship to engaged"

It wasn't a shock but I certainly noticed and then had to go and check out his page, nothing had really changed that much on it, some people had left messages congratulating him and Gifty. They must have been together for about 4 years now so good on them. I just hope he's happy. The fact that I haven't heard from him or seen him for months and he hasn't randomly turned up on my doorstep since I dunno must have been about February time. I guess he's worked his relationship out and is happy. And as long as he's happy. I'm happy for him. That's all I ever wanted.

Anyway, I'm going on a wild camping and canoe weekend with CD this weekend, and the weather has been great here these last few days so if it can stay like this until the weekend, I am going to have a fantastic time.

Oh and it's a hassle being back home with the folks. Annoying to say the least.

Gretta x


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