Tuesday, July 15, 2008

commitment fears!

I took a half day yesterday and took CD for his first skate yesterday before he had to go for a night shift. He was good, he only fell over once, we then went back to mine and I made some fajitas actually I should say we made fajitas. I can't believe I'm gona be moving out of my little place on Friday. I was getting all a bit sentimental about it last night.

CD again mentioned marriage yesterday, I keep trying to deflect it whenever he brings it up. It was once again curtesy of his Brizilian friend. Apparently he's off to Brazil for a few months and rang CD to say goodbye but said "If you do get married while I'm away I'll be sure to try and come back for the wedding"

What is it with this dude and marriage, is it a Brazilian thing, do they just get married or is it just that he saw something in me and CD. Anyway, he keeps putting ideas in CDs head I swear he does and I know at some point if he continues to bring it up we're gona have to discuss it. I know CD is marriage minded, he kind of reminds me a bit of Scotty and that's a compliment Scotty coz I'm dating the guy, but he's stable, commited, he comes from a Christian principled family, so his folks expect marriage, he expects marriage, but me, marriage freaks me out. Which it shouldn't because my parents have been very successful at it.

It is too soon thought right isn't it?


Blogger bondibetty said...

Is it too early? To talk about it? Prob not. To do it? Well, yo're the only person that can tell us that....

What does your heart tell you?

4:45 AM  

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