Fireworks and not just literally!
Last night at the fireworks party, things seems a bit different between Climber Dude and myself! As we were walking back from watching the fireworks he hung back a bit and we walked together while a crown of friends were in front and a crowd behind. We chatted about his plans next year and it turns out he's not completely set and he seemed to be almost asking me to tell him not to go, not that there is any chance I'll do that in the end I just said you ahve to weigh up everything and then ultimately you've got to make a decision.
When we got back to The Ex's I sat on the couch and Jerk Boy came and sat next to me. When Climber Dude walked in the room he requested that Jerk Boy move up so he could have the spot next to me. Jerk Boy refused to move. Climber Dude asked him again, and again Jerk Boy refused to move. This was slightly embarrassing I wanted to sit by Climber Dude I wanted Jerk Boy to move, but some testosterone enduced pride was going on here, it was like battle of the boys and in the end Climber Dude was the one to back down and sit over the other side of the room. I felt for both of them and didn't really know what to do. I think Jerk Boy is feeling a little threatened by Climber Dude and I think Climber Dude isn't happy about how close me and Jerk Boy are.
Intellect dropped me home later that evening and she pointed out that she had noticed what had happened and she kind of gave me a bit of an honest talking too.
"Gretta, you flirt with Jerk Boy, you have a very close friendship, yet you say you want to get to know Climber Dude better. Climber Dude is going to be cautious to get to know you better because of how close you and Jerk Boy are. I don't know what he would have made of Jerk Boy not moving up so he could sit down, but I know what I made of it, and Jerk Boy is protective of you. Friendships change over time, and if you and Jerk Boy want to have relationships with other people then your friendship with each other has to change, it will cause too many problems in the long run".
I got out of the car feeling well and trully like a bit of a flirtatious cow. I didn't even realise I'd been flirting with Jerk Boy, it's just the way we are, and I've always thought that if I got into a relationship then whoever I was in a relationship with would have to accept me and Jerk Boy but after a sleepless night pondering it all - I realise that Intellect was once again living up to her name. If I ever want to be in a serious, LASTING relationship with anyone, then my flirtatious friendship with Jerk Boy has too change because it isn't right. The only issue is, it's all me and Jerk Boy have ever known and changing it now, is going to be extremely difficult.
Jerk Boy is one of the most supportive friends in my life, but with him getting friendly with Pretty Girl and me and Climber Dude getting closer, I have to back away, from one of my closest friends and you know what - It's not going to be easy at all. Wish me luck, I think I'm going to need it, I'm actually going to talk all this through with Jerk Boy. I really don't want to :(
Oh good lord, I KNOW what you're going through.
Raj and I dated for only six months and that was YEARS ago. But after dating, we continued to sleep together for like two and a half years. After things finally ended, we had a falling out and didn't talk for a while. For the past two years, however, we have been back together as the closest of friends.
We know each other so well, we're so comfortable, we care about each other so's great. Except for that flirtatious interaction that we just can't shake. I mean, to be perfectly honest, that's great too. But not terribly realistic. While I was dating Beavis, I still had that kind of interaction with Raj and, though nothing happened, it wasn't right. And now, now that I'm single, it's even more of a problem. I want to start dating other guys, I want to put myself out there. But I am sending off BIG TIME signals that I'm involved because of the way Raj and I are together.
So, as I said, I know exactly what you're going through. And it's so so hard :(
Totally agree with intellect. If you want to get to know ClimberDude better you're going to have to change your relationship with JerkBoy
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