Totally drunk friday!
So, Gretta has been drinking! Bad move I think, well I don't really know I guess I'll find out by how many typose are here tomorrow hyh!
Right from the beginning - last time I felt this drunk was well 2006 ON holiday! So I drink fairly frequently but as it goes I hate this drunken feleling I like to get tipsy and then ahve that kind of gooey high for a while. The whole druken thign kind of makes life a little difficult = not only life but typing too.
I am waiting for Flatmate = he should be here. I guess he is making me wait which suckes!
and it might not be a bad thing he hasn't seem me like this before! The last time I was like this was in 2006 on holiday! I've said that alaready haven't I?
hMMMM i THINK oh silly caps I have.
OK so last time I was like this it was Jerk boys fault but indirectly his fault because he didn't hold the alcohol to my lips and make me drink - no I succeeded in doing that all by myself but I remember sticking up for him when the person I was with was slating him and during sticking up for him I suddenly got tearful but not a sad tearful a drunkard tearful. Hmmm I am not thinking about Jerk Boy tonight tho so that's ok!!!!!!!
Right from the beginning - last time I felt this drunk was well 2006 ON holiday! So I drink fairly frequently but as it goes I hate this drunken feleling I like to get tipsy and then ahve that kind of gooey high for a while. The whole druken thign kind of makes life a little difficult = not only life but typing too.
I am waiting for Flatmate = he should be here. I guess he is making me wait which suckes!
and it might not be a bad thing he hasn't seem me like this before! The last time I was like this was in 2006 on holiday! I've said that alaready haven't I?
hMMMM i THINK oh silly caps I have.
OK so last time I was like this it was Jerk boys fault but indirectly his fault because he didn't hold the alcohol to my lips and make me drink - no I succeeded in doing that all by myself but I remember sticking up for him when the person I was with was slating him and during sticking up for him I suddenly got tearful but not a sad tearful a drunkard tearful. Hmmm I am not thinking about Jerk Boy tonight tho so that's ok!!!!!!!
That was awesome, drunk posts definitely need to happen more often :)
Lol, drunk blogging. I don't think I've ever thought to write a post while drunk, but then again, there's a lot of people I drink with that I wouldn't want to read my blog. =]
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