Thursday, February 15, 2007

Gretta trying to make things ok somehow!

I've sent Flatmate an email because he started asking me loads of questions about if he wasn't with his girlfriend who will call "Gifty" would I be with him! Great how did I guess that might be coming and obviously Mr Tall got brought into the conversation too.
Gretta: I'm sorry you're annoyed that I became friendly with Mr Tall before getting to know you but Mr Tall is SINGLE. He was interested in me but somewhere between Christmas and New Year he lost interest and all of a sudden you were showing me a lot of interest and I just started enjoying it even if I knew it was wrong with you being in a relationship. Mr Tall isn't into me and because of that I am not into him.
Flatmate says: ok, im not like Mr Tall and i never will be nor do i want to be, its the same with Gifty, shes not exactly what im looking for and she never can be.
Gretta: yea but she's your girlfriend. Look I need to think about all this I'll email you later.


I don't know what to do about the conversation earlier but here's what I think.
You know Gifty isn't right for you (I am not saying I am because I really never intended to get into this with you - I liked Mr Tall and the whole situation is odd in itself) but I also know you have no intention of ending things with her.

I know you say that I am trying to make myself feel better by saying that Gifty is good for you but I can see clearly that Gifty cares for you and you need someone who can care for you. For instance she bought you a great Birthday present, she thought about what you liked and she's treated you to a weekend away so now you get to go and do the thing you love and spend some quality time with her. I would never have even thought of anything like that because I just wouldn't have so to me that prooves she cares for you a great deal. Then with valentines she again thought about what you liked and bought you a gift that was perfect for you - you said so yourself. Now you may not appreciate that in the same way you do deep and meaningful conversations but I can see that Gifty puts a heck of a lot of thought into the things she buys for you.

I am gona be honest now Flatmate I don't think you have any intention of ending things with Gifty.
So, if it's the friendship and the deep and meaningfuls you're looking for then you gotta
start having them with her, otherwise you're gona end up living a very unhappy life.

As for the whole Mr Tall thing. I am glad you're not Mr Tall. I'll be straight with you, when I first started getting to know Mr Tall we had a lot in common and even now I'd possibly say
I have more in common with Mr Tall than I do with you - for instance in the past I've worked in property so I know a little bit about the process when buying houses to develop (Mr Tall is a property developer), I've done a heap of travel and me and Mr Tall have been to some of the same places, some of the places we wanted to visit in the future happened to be the same.
Mr Tall might not admit this but when we first started dating he did put a lot of effort in too, but somehow between Christmas and New Year that changed and I am glad it did, he made me realise that with all that in common I still needed a guy who'd make effort, who'd chat to me for hours, who'd give me a hug when I need one, who'd spend time designing me a valentines message, you did all those things. You started putting more in and it made me realise that I needed that and I enjoy all of those things and it's obvious I like our friendship.
I just didn't expect it to get so serious because I knew you were with Gifty and I wanted to help you with that. I don't want you relationship to fail. I just don't know what happened to make things between us get so intense, you know i tried to stop it when I realised but maybe it was just too late and I don't know how to get things back to normal now. And yes I feel like a crap person but it's not like I planned it and right now - with everything else going on in my twisted life this actually doesn't bother me as much as it should and that's probably wrong of me to. lol.

So there you go - a nice essay for you. I'll look forward to your reply haha.
He hasn't yet replied. I wouldn't know what to reply to that so I doubt he'll know either. Oh well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't get involved with a guy who has a girlfriend, Gretta. (Wagging finger.) If he's acting like this with his current girlfriend, he's going to act like this when he's with you. Except you'll be the girlfriend, and another Internet honey will be his guilty pleasure. Don't disappoint me. I've come to care about that eye that is you at the top of your blog. It needs to blink a few times and try being single for a while. (When you're ready to find a guy, all you have to do, as simple as this sounds (heh), is come to America. I guarantee your accent will have all the guys crawling. Americans are funny that way.

6:02 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

You're the other woman!


8:41 PM  

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