Back to the reality boys
So, I've not spoken to Mr Tall in about a week. However, I have spoken to Flatmate everyday this week! I queried whether or not he actually "had" a girlfriend. He does but they had a fight and are both being stubborn yet in their stubborness Flatmate is chatting to me loads. I know I should be backing away from him but I can't and I don't understand why I can't and that scares me. I never thought I'd ever be the other woman in someone elses relationship but right now I feel like the other woman and I hate it, I really hate that feeling but I also can't help enjoying every compliment he gives me and I think that it's all probably because of Mr Tall one minute being really interested and the next not being very interested at all. I don't blame him I just know what my female emotions do to me, I crave to be told nice things because I feel better about myself when I do and Flatmate is saying nice things to me and making me feel more secure in myself grrrr I know I am a dirty hussy :(.
As for Jerk Boy his relationship has gone to pot and I've been looking out for a him a little bit, sending him encouragin texts, he's taken it pretty badly and I'm a bit worried about him. His head is screwwed and confused. I know that's exactly how I felt for a long time after what happened between us but I wouldn't wish that kind of confusion on anyone and I feel for him. I know his work is suffering because of it to. I just don't know what to do to make him feel better. I guess all I can do is be there as that older sister figure that he's always seen me as.
I've come to a conclusion though of things I need in a man...
1. They need to live in my city.
2. They need to be single.
3. They need to like me.
4. I need to like them
5. They must compliment me
That's it for now. It's not a long listis is? So why the fuck is it so hard to find.
Yes, stay away from attached guys, Gretta. Your list is a good list. But why do you need to be complimented? That points to a lack of security (something we all can relate to). Why not just ask for a boyfriend who appreciates you and shows it? Also a boyfriend who is sincere--not just a guy who complments you on cue.
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