The continuing saga of Gretta and the male species.
Isn't if funny that now Jerk Boy has found a lady friend I hardly ever hear from him. I haven't spoken to him since our work meeting on Monday. He usually always texts me on a Wednesday just out of habit and this Wednesday no text, funny that. Find a girl and your old loyal friend Gretta no longer exists. Your old loyal friend that you couldn't even be arsed to tell taht you'd met someone, she had to find out from someone you'd sworn to secrecy. Man Jerk Boy is the biggest Jerk.
I spoke to Mr Tall online today, it was as delightful as ever but things seem to be going from bad to worse there. Flatmate is almost certainly hitting on me and I am not really sure what to do bar keep mentioning his girlfriend in conversation. Today as I was chatting to both Mr Tall and Flatmate online no different than usual, Flatmate started getting really funny about me talking to Mr Tall and apparently they were in the same room sharing everything I was saying with both of them. Not that I had any issues with that as I have nothing to hide, but if you haven't figured it out by now I am a big flirt, I can't help it, flirting goes well with gretta like a book goes well with someone that likes to read. It's one of those things. Yet Flatmate got so funny about it and it reminded me of when Mr Tall and I first started dating - recently I told Flatmate the when me and Mr Tall first started chatting I always thought he didn't like me especially when I used to have voice conversations over the computer his tone was always really offish. He guaranteed it wasn't that he didn't like me it was just that he was having issues with his girlfriend. I don't know I am just beginning to think it's all a big mess. I don't understand why Flatmate is trying his hardest to flirt with me in every possible way when he has a girlfriend. Mr Tall had loads of pics of me and he's shown them to Flatmate and Flatmate is now constantly complimenting me. It's lovely to hear but everything about the situation is wrong. I only started chatting to Flatmate online in the first place so he could help me work things out with Mr Tall and now things are clearly not going to get worked out.
One day my man life will not be so bloody confusing.
Man life will always be bloody confusing.
But it's nowhere near as confusing as lady life. ;)
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