Thursday, October 26, 2006

Pig doesn't do the bitch justice.

I got pulled up by the boss today. LOL LOL LOL. I am finding it hilarious now (after a few vodkas) but at the time it just wasn't quite as funny.
The boss has a daughter that I sometimes have to work with - you know families really shouldn't work in the same place there should be a law against it. Anyway bosses daughter is young, shite at her job and a real BITCH. I mean majorly to the extreme bitch. She walks around with the 'I am the manager's daughter' attitude, hands on hips, face like thunder and as if everyone else is beneath her and really she is a little immature monster.
Anyway, yesterday bosses daughter comes in office with another young colleague and they start really laying into one of the new girls
The bitch daughter: "Have you seen the new girl, she's such a show off and a try hard"
Gretta: "I think you're being a bit mean"
The bitch daughter: "well, I don't like her so I can say what I want"
Gretta: "She's not here to defend herself, she's new and doesn't know anyone, you wouldn't like it if it was you being talked about behind your back"
The bitch daughter: "People do talk about me behind my back"
Gretta: "How do you know if it's behind your back?"

The bitch daughter: "People tell me"
Gretta: "People stir. Now stop being such a pig and try to remember what it's like to be new and not know anyone"
I know I sounded like a teacher and seriously the word pig was by far not a strong enough insult for the situation - there are many names I would have much rather used.
So the boss calls me in to see him. Me and the boss we have a great relationship in general but the Bitch Daughter has totally blinded the man.
Boss: "Gretta, my daughter tells me you called her a pig"
Gretta: "I called her mean, oh yes I think I called her a pig too"
Boss: "Gretta it's not because she's my daughter but in general I don't think it's a good thing to use language like that around the office - it's unprofessional"
Gretta: "Did she tell you why I called her a pig?"
Boss: "No she told her mother who then informed me"
Gretta: "ok well the reason I called her a pig is because and I don't mean to be rude but she was being very 'pigish' "
I explained the situation and he wasn't at all impressed with bitch daughter and I think will be having words with her too, serves her right for messing with me I can't believe she ran to mummy knowing full well mummy would tell daddy, but still I must not use that kind of language again. I was fuming all afternoon and refused to do any work for the final 2 hours in protest.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dont dwell on it Gretta

Life begins at 5:00

I'm sorry for the new girl.
Send her my love, add a dose of compassion.


10:16 AM  

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