Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Knowingly, smug and happy about it.

After a silly hectic day yesterday, this afternoon seems to be silly quiet. I can't complain though I needed a bit of quiet after the storm of a day I had yesterday.
As I was so determined to rant my arse off yesterday I forgot to mention I had received a very strange email from Bouncer. It was a reply to an email I sent to him over a week ago.
He said to me I should go to his city, as in the email I had sent him before I was complaining about life in my city and 'apparently' his city is completely different!?! He didn't directly invite me to visit him although I can't help but think that is what he was hinting! I never imagined Bouncer as a hinter though. I'd actually love to visit him and his city and go and hang out for a few days but until he actually says "Gretta do you wana come and visit?" rather then "Gretta you should come to my city we have none of those problems you mentioned that your city has"
I responded to the email but chose not to mention anything about the differences between our cities, if he wants me to visit he is really going to have to be a lot clearer.
I still haven't spoken or heard from Jerk Boy since the trouble on Sat night. I actually feel in a good place about things. He's working in a different department, and has different hours, so our paths don't cross as much in work and the next deadline I need to work with him on isn't until December so at this present moment in time there is no need to email or anything - which makes my life a heck of a lot easier. It's all going good on that front at the moment, aren't you relieved and I am probably not going to invite him out much anymore even tho we have the same friends, if he can't spend time with me alone why should I invite him to group stuff?


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