Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The things Climber Dude does...

He calls me "beautiful" every time he sees me. I'm waiting for that one to wear thin, as yet it hasn't.

He hogs the bed. Much to my disgust, usually half way through the night I'll be hanging out of the end of the bed and no matter how much I try to move him over so I have some room (he seems to spread and take up a whole double bed, how the heck is that possible but it is somehow) he is a dead unmovable weight.

He sings very badly and out of tune most of the time. It doesn't seem to phase him, he keeps saying I should enjoy his singing, but I keep telling him it ISN'T enjoyable!!!

He puts a kiss at the end of every text he sends me. Even if he text itself isn't romantic.

He's a big softy and he tells me I'm a bit harsh. Then he says "that's why we're perfect together" living up to that big softy status then.

He puckers his lips when he wants a kiss. I compare it to a little puppy dog pawwing their owner when they want to be fed.

He's a funny one. And I'm maybe a little bit happy about it.


Blogger bondibetty said...

Awwwww - pukey lovel happiness!

I'm so happy for you!!!

4:26 PM  

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