Thursday, July 03, 2008

What to do?

When I was with The X I became friends with one of a his best friends, and Jerk Boy who was my friend was also a friend of The X and his friend. A guy we will call Mr T. Mr T and I got on really well, he made me laugh a lot and he was techi geek and introduced me to blogging about 6 years or so ago. I stayed in touch with Mr T even though I wasn't with The X and 2 years ago he got married. The only problem was that Mr T got married to a girl who I wasn't too keen on. We'll call her Mrs T. Anyway, Mrs T was needy, clingy and to me had a few issues. I've come to accept that everyone has issues so that kind of doesn't matter but the needy and clingy thing used to drive me nuts.

Anyway, I've never once in my life fancied Mr T, although once at a rather drunken new years eve party I apprently threw myself at him. Anyway, Mr T has some issues to. Anger issues.

When he first started dating Mrs T, he asked me what I thought of her and him together and I told him straight, I think you are clingly and public displays of affection to that extent can make the people your with feel uncomfortable. Oh my gosh Mr T blew his top big time. Leaving me in tears. Seriously I was crying my heart out. I gave an honest opinion, that everyone was thinking and I get a grilling.

However, there's something else you should know about Mrs T. You see she prides herself on being of those 'i'm a girl who gets on better with boys' type girls. If you get on better with boys fine, but as soon as a girl hears that from another girl, what she hears is 'I don't want to bother with you because you're a girl and I get on better with boys'. So I believe as a result Mrs T had no close girl friends. So, when Mr T asked me to be bridesmaid at his wedding (that was 2 years ago) I was shocked. As a friend of Mr T I agreed. Through being bridesmaid myslef and Mrs T became closer and closer and over hte last 2 years became friends. I wouldn't say good friends, but friends all the same.

So when 3 months ago Mrs T told me she regrets marrying Mr T two years ago and in fact likes Jerk Boy and has done the whole time she's been married I was shocked. Jerk Boy had received some rather bizarre text messages from Mrs T also implying that she had feeling for him, which freaked Jerk Boy out to the point he rang me and asked what the hell was going on. I told him I believed it was a phase and that she's lonely in her marriage, because Mr T is working crazy hours. Jerk Boy stopped talking to both Mr T and Mrs T to give them some space for a while but he found it increasingly difficult with the fact that Mr T is a good mate of his.

The one good thing I had in mind was that Mrs T has just got a new job and her training is based in Thailand for 5 weeks. Now that's not necessarily a good thing for her marriage, but being out of the picture, not having Jerk Boy around (he's travelling anyway) and maybe being away from Mr T will make the heart grow stronger. I was feeling more confident that upon return she'll want to get home and sort out her marriage.

I couldn't believe that she'd put me in a situation, telling me she has feelings for another man, when she knows I'm good friends with her husband - Ludicrous! However, I also felt that maybe she'd made herself accountable to me so I could pull her into line if I saw her flirting with Jerk Boy when out and about.

Anyway, here is me thinking all will be fine upon return when I get a text from Mrs T from Thailand.

"Hi Gretta. Australian's ROCK MY WORLD!!! LOL"

She'd told me before hand that in the team going there was an Australian, she knows all about Teddy (My Australian) and therefore knows that I (before CD) had a very big soft spot for Aussies. So first off I just think she's just playing me up because I had a thing for Australians. However, on second thought I worry that the Australian has become her new Jerk Boy, and she zillions of miles from home, without her husband, without me and has no one to be accountable too!

I worry. I worry for Mr T, I worry for Mrs T, I worry for Jerk Boy getting dragged into something out of his control, I worry for The Australian and I worry for me. I don't know what to do with this information. I haven't even shared it with CD because I don't think it wise too many people knowing. I was hoping it was a phase but now I fear, she's just gona play around on Mr T and not sort out her married.



Blogger bondibetty said...

I don't know what to say, she'll do what she wants clearly. But soon enough she'll realise she's a moron!

6:02 AM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

i blame "neighbours".

11:55 PM  

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