Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another cause for concern..

CD and I haven't slept together for what is getting on to 2 weeks.

He's been busy, I've been busy, we had the weekend away in which I was in a tent and he was outside with the boys. However, it's more than that....

Last night I went over to his, I'd done my make-up all nice, he'd cooked a lovely sausage caserole, we cuddled up in front of a film. I couldn't sleep over coz I'd promised my mum a lift to work and he was tired so I left fairly early.

Now I've come on my period so it's gona be another 6 days before I feel like getting up to stuff.

Am I over reacting. I've not spoken to him about it coz I've just excepted that we've been busy, and there's always been other people around, and in fact last night was the first night in about a week and a half when it's been just the 2 of us. I just don't know what he's thinking about it all and I don't really want to ask if I am just over reacting.

If you're a guy can you answer this - would he be concerned about the lack of physical activitiy would he to be putting it down to busyness?


Blogger Scotty said...

If he is, he should say something. Or, put forth some effort.

6:27 AM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

i thought it was only pandas that were reluctant to mate.

"getting up to stuff" as you call it is usually at its busiest at the start of a relationship.

2:58 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

hmmm... it's a little strange... but you could always just jump him! he wasn't overly physical to start with right?

3:30 AM  

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