Thursday, February 28, 2008

The bitch that is....

My Co-Worker.
I don't blog about this person. The most annoying person in my life thus far. For 1 reason: This person suffers with depression, I appreciate that depression is an illness and therefore can't be helped! However, can she use her illness as a way of being a down right bitch? I'm thinking not. I put up with her negative view point about everything work wise, I put up with her constant moaning, however, I wont put up with being spoken to like I'm under her.
The story goes like this.
Diet Coke Man (hubba) had organised for a carpet to be fitted today. The carpet people told us they would arrive at 9am, fine I got here early to make sure I'd be here if they did turn up early. At 10am there was still no sign of them!!! I called them to find out where they were and they said that would be here at 11am. Fine...
11am and they do turn up. I speak to the carpet fitter and he tells me it will only take an hour to fit the carpet - excellent!
I had a dentist appointment at 1.40pm, to get to my dentist on time I needed to leave my office at 1.15pm.
At 12.45pm the carpet fitters are still not finished. I go up and ask them how much longer they are going to be as I have the keys and would need to lock them out. They tell me they'll be 30 minutes. Well, this wasn't good, it would be too close to my dentist appointment.
Co-Worker is part-time here, as she has 2 jobs, her other job is working at a little store 5 mins walk away that she owns. I have an idea I'll ask Co-Worker to put up the back in 10minutes sign, and then she can stay while I go to the dentist. This I didn't think would be too much to ask!
She comes over, to wait for the carpet fitters to finish and to lock them out of our offices and I leave.
I get back and pop into the store to say thank you and she just goes off on one...
Co-Worker: Gretta. They did not leave until 2pm. I have a business to run you know, you should have asked someone else to have waited in the office.
Gretta: But everyone else is out on project work!
Co-Worker: Well, next time plan it a bit better.
Ohhh I was mad.
Gretta: To be frank with you I did plan it. The builders were suppose to be here at 9am they turned up at 11. 2 hours late NOT MY FAULT. They told me they would only be an hour I BELIEVED THEM, when they went over that time I checked and they said they would be HALF AN HOUR MORE. I did not know they would be over an hour longer than they had stated. SO MY PLANNING wasn't the problem. I'm sorry I put you out but I didn't think it would be a big deal.
Like I said I don't usually bite, because this woman has an illness, but I don't think her illness can explain pure rudeness. No one speaks to Gretta like that.


Blogger bondibetty said...

Nah, she's not depressed. She's rude! Calling her on it was perfect!

I'm sick of people getting away with being rude with others excuses "that's just the way they are" - cause guess what, everyone's a bitch and was all have to TRY and be nice to people because it's the right thing to do. Why do they get to break the rules.

*Betty gets off her soapbox and gives Gretta a high five*

2:22 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Good on you for telling her what happened!

11:01 PM  
Blogger Ginamonster said...

Depression is SO not an excuse to be a bitch. There ARE meds for that if it's a clinical issue, and there is help if it isn't. I am tired of people using that as an excuse. You should be nice, even if things aren't so nice for you. Don't take out your issues on other people. Sure, we all suffer a case of the bitch once in awhile, but there is no reason to make it a habit.

6:58 PM  

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