Thursday, February 14, 2008

Spreading the love!

Happy Valentine's Day.
I should be depressed! Last year I got 2 valentine's day cards, one from Flatmate and one from Batman - you'll have to search Batman to even remember who he is, he's totally not in my life anymore. And if that's not enough that this year can't compate to last, I'm still single! However, I feel quite good about my singleness. I plan on getting a bottle of wine tonight and sorting out hte mess that is my flat.
Anyway, today - Flatmate was online waiting for me to log in to msn and he sent me a rose via msn, no card this year but the fact that he'd planned it - so before I could even speak to him he had wished me happy valentine's day was still quite sweet.
I asked him what he had planned for Gifty, I was curious and I don't have feelings for Flatmate bar pure lust, so it doesn't upset me when he talks about Gifty anymore.
He said he'd bought her some flowers and a card. Then the conversation went a bit like this..
Flatmate: Gretta I realised something today
Gretta: what did you realise?
Flatmate: That I'm not really into soppy cards and stuff, but then I thought it might not be the cards, but maybe I just don't feel that way for Gifty anymore and it's really confused me!
Gretta: Come on relationships go through ups and downs, you and Gifty have had lows before and pulled through fine!
Flatmate: That's the thing though, we're getting on really well lately, we have been for a while, but something just doesn't feel right.
Gretta: Tell you what try not to think about it today, have a good romantic evening with her and then you'll probably forget all about even thinking this way.
Flatmate: yeah. I don't want to talk about it anymore.
It's a bit odd isn't to be speaking so freely about your playmate's girlfriend so openly, but it just doesn't phase me anymore! Has anyone read a book called "Getting rid of Matthew" it's a good chick book - if you haven;t read it you should, Betty you'd love it. Only issue is I'm kind of concerned, if him and Gifty ever did break up I'm thinking he'd probably b-line for me! I don't think I could ever give him what he wants, but to be honest I don't think he has the guts to ever leave Gifty, they've been together for about 3 years now. So, it'll be fine. Gretta wont have to start the getting rid of Flatmate book.


Blogger Scotty said...

hmmmm... Flatmate...

2:59 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Sounds like you're getting your head sorted re Flatmate - keep staying strong. You can get so much better!

4:16 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

Women think of imaginative ways of getting rid of the other women in their way.

For men, most planning involves a bottle of scotch and a handgun.

Barring that, a good fist-fight.

8:08 AM  

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