And just when I'd given up ALL hope
I get an email from Teddy!
He's applied for a job in Europe, but the email doesn't tell me where - that useful Teddy dear real useful!
It's come even more to my attention this Monday that Climber Dude is in fact a dick head shitting arse hole and how you may ask did I come to this rather cursery conclusion. Well, I was at work today and on msn I always am as I need to liaise with work collegues on there (occasionally) anyway he logs on as he's on a late shift and I thought it would be nice of me to say hi. So I did. We chatted on and off for a while, all the time I was working because I'm a lady and can multitask, and hten he says to me "shouldn't you be doing work I'm beginning to think you're really lazy" I say "Um well actually I am working as we chat" he then says "well maybe you should focus on work" How bloody condescending is that? It just riled me even mroe to the point where I've blocked him on msn.
I'm just so fed up of English men. They're all the f***** same!
Hahahahahaha - I'm sorry, but I love your rants at Climber Dude. He's a little knob-end sometimes isn't he!
Men can multi-task!
I see where you are coming from, but I will sometimes say the same things as 'climber dude' just to get a rise out of women.
I'm glad I am not english
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