Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Confessions of a guilty mind...

... I have been up to no good with Flatmate again. We haven't slept together and I don't plan to sleep with him either, but we've not been perfect angels either. He's been showering me with attention, effection and um um um orgasms. God he's good. He's been assertive, if I'm cleanly shaven he'll let his tongue go to work, and my God he's good.
I'm not sucked in by him, I've told him I'm using him for the attention and that I don't want to sleep with him but I'm happy to have a little fun for the time being. I don't think it will go on too long but at the moment we're both getting our fix and with Christmas on it's way it's been nice to have his company, I've seen a couple of times over the last week and it hasn't been all naughtyness sometimes we've just been chatting so it's good. I'm totally using him and he's allowing me too.
As for Climber Dude, he's still on my block list on msn but I think he's realised coz he text me yesterday "Yo Gretta, what's up?" I relied saying "all good. night" and he then replied saying "sleep well". Don't think he likes being ignored but at the moment I just need some distance between us.
Damper has gone away with work for 2 nights and has told me that I'm not going to hear from him until Saturday now. I'm chuffed he told me he could have just left me wondering where he was but he didn't. He's still that same considerate 15 year old I remember, only he's a lot older now.
Gretta xx


Blogger Scotty said...

Flatmate? You're setting yourself up for disappointment..

Personally, I don't know why you still talk to him. I mean, I have lost all respect for him knowing he is willing to 'play around' even though he has a girlfriend.

9:52 PM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

afraid he's treating you like a paki shop: an open all hours convience fun store.

1:55 AM  

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