Comparing, contrasting and conclusions.
I am just gona type this into here, no more copying and pasting for me.
It has been a funny weekend, and I've come to a few conclusions.
Lets start with Friday night, went over Intellect's new flat, drank lots of wine and slept the night. Jerk Boy and Climber DUde both came as they live near Intellect. I'd drank too much and made a few silly comments, according to Intellect I kept mentioning how I like to write short stories just to make sure my point was made and that I wasn't some insane loon. Things with Climber Dude thankfully weren't awkward although, he did say a few funny things too which left me very confused.
Saturday night, went to the pub, Climber Dude was there but he didn't sit near us.
Sunday, Climber Dude invited a whole bunch of us over to his place, and we did end up flirting a bit but it was all good.
Conclusion #1 I have feeling for Climber Dude, I really want to pursue him, I find myself wanting to hold his hand, wanting to cuddle up to him when I'm sat on the couch next to him, I find myself much more attracted to him than previously! Is this because he said what he said, or have I needed the thought of losing him to establish exactly what I feel? I'm unsure now what to do. We will see.
Conclusion #2 I've not heard from Flatmate since that night, and he was online yesterday and I ignored him and he didn't talk to me either and I've concluded that now I've decided I do have feeling for Climber Dude I don't want anything to do with Flatmate.
Conclusion #3 Jerk Boy has definitely been more friendly since finding out I've been spending time with Climber Dude, so much so that I've concluded I do need to back off a bit, so at the pub on Saturday night I moved away from him. Then when he asked me to drop him home after being at Climber Dude's place last night I told him to get a lift with another guy who was there because he goes past his house. I feel like it's the right thing to do.
Conclusion #4 Scotty I know you pointed out everything that was wrong about Climber Dude, what you failed to do was to point out everything that was right. And, I get on extremely well with him, he's a very sound guy he's not about to cheat or shit on me, and at this moment in time it doesn't feel like the end, if anything it feels like the beginning.
I invite you to come on this adventure with me, the adventure that may end in disaster or happiness. Lets see what happens, Gretta is gona get her groove on.
Scotty is confused now..
Climber Dude's reply was that he really does think we are not compatible.
Betty is also confused...
Are you sure you're not setting yourself up for a fall here babe? I know you have feelings for him, but you deserve someone who is GAGGING to be with you. Not someone you have to convince.
Be careful...
In vino veritas.
But anywho, do whatever makes you happy now. Then have the strength to realize that you are not happy in the future.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat. do know we can't change people, right? you will find someone who feels you are compatible, so please don't set yourself up with this one. :-/
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