Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ranting about daytime tv.

It's been a tough few days in recovery. I haven't left the house since Thursday afternoon, so there isn't much to tell you bar the fact that day time tv is SHITE people. Ever heard of Ray Winston? This is him he has a new film coming out called Wolf. I know this because at the moment he's been on literally every day time tv show on. I didn't even know he existed until Friday morning, now I'd rather still like to not know that he exists.
Anyway, Climber Dude came round to visit me yesterday (I look shockingly pale at the momnet) he popped in before his late shift started at work, and it was nice of him to drop in but there was no zing between us or chemistry of any kind, it kind of just felt like my granddad was visiting. He only stayed for about 30mins too so it was a bit odd, I can't work him out and I think I'm gona give up trying.
I'm bored already, I logged on to my work email this morning and emailed a few people but still bored as hell.
I'm again feeling the discomfort in sitting at a comp so I'll update you soon, I feel a heap better so that's good.


Blogger bondibetty said...

Hey Gretta darlink! So sorry to hear you've not been well! Hope you feel better soon...

Sounds like you've got your head on straight re: Flatmate my love - time to get it sorted with Climber Dude. I reckon if he hasn't made a move yet, he isn't going to.

Don't waste your angst on him honey - put him in the 'friend' basket and enjoy what you can from that. Focus your attention elsewhere and get what you really need.

Doesnt that sound easy?!? Damn emotions...

4:24 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Glad youre feeling better Gretta!

6:30 PM  

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