Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happiness is...

Going to lunch with Jerk Boy

Him buying me a chocolate dessert without even asking if it's ok, as he knew it was what I wanted.

And then after me going back to the office him going home having this text conversation.

Gretta's Text: I'm stuffed, I'm so not having dinner tonight now. That chocolate Bomb isn't going to do anything for my weight losing regime (I don't do diets they just make me get hungry).

Jerk Boy's Text: Mmmmmm The chocolate bomb, the best kind of bomb.

Gretta's Text: I think Tom Jones might disagree.

Jerk Boy's Text: You're good.


Blogger Beth said...

Don't you just love it when someone knows you that well? Any boy who orders me dessert is at the top of my list. And if he happens to mention that I should definitley finish the whole thing because I am too skinny, I might propose to him on the spot!

12:16 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Hahahahaha - love your text - you ARE very good!

4:24 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

You should take a pic of this chocolate bomb the next time you have it.

6:00 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Beth: I wont propose to JerkBoy lol - he's lovely most of the time these days but he's not always been so lovely.

Betty: You're good too babe ;)

Scotty: You want a pic of a chocolate bomb. I'll just describe it to you people might think I'm odd taking pics of a dessert.

So it's chocolate ice-cream, with a chocolate gooey sauce in the middle and it's coated in a brown chocolate shell with a flake sticking out of the top.

5:37 AM  

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