Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Cold days, Dark evenings, Frosty Morning, SAD Gretta?

My life has been very quiet on the man front lately. I don't even remember the last time I heard from Flatmate and the only reason I'm mentioning him is because we're discussing my life and men in the same paragraph.
I guess it's going to be a long, cold, lonely winter. The one thing I'm looking forward to is Teddy's visit next month. He's been in contact frequently lately and that puts a smile on my face but I'm just beginning to think our meet up will be more of a goodbye than anything else and that saddens me. I guess I can't predict what will happen when he's here I just wish he would hurry up and get here - he's the only think I'm looking forward to.
In my group of friends I am totally in the minority as a single person. It's funny how one minute we're all a group of girls, pulling men all over the place, organising mad nights out to all settling down, bar 1... Me.
None of my friends make a big deal about my singleness and I'm pretty content in my singleness but I'm just unsure how one day we're all enjoying our young prettyness and the next day we're all settling down, getting married, buying houses and talking babies. I have to endure these conversations and yet none of those things apply to my life and how do you do it, how do you become settled and stable living a life on your own.
I dunno, this is all too confusing for me, there isn't any guy about that I'm willing to share my life with but I'm not sure I can hack my friends and their happy little 2 point 4 lives without becoming a manic depressive.
Oh you can so tell it went below 10 degrees today, this happens every year I suffer with SAD I tell you.
Right I need to find me some sunshine and I need to find it soon.


Blogger bondibetty said...

Whenever I get down about all my friends and their lovely 2.4 lives, I remember that I have freedom they'll never have again.

I can get up late and no one will know. I can spontaneously just disappear and no one will get annoyed. I can stay out as late as I want without calling anyone. I can sit on the couch and eat chips all day without worrying about being a slob. I only have to deal with my family. I don't have to watch sports if I don't want to. I can go out with my girlfriends any time I like.

You get the idea. There's lots of downsides to being single, but it's a damn lot less complicated!

What's our mantra Gretta? "One day our prince will come"

3:54 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Betty: and until that day shall we just keep drinking diet coke ;) coz I could do with a diet coke break. hehe.

1:24 AM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Hahahahaha - well, a diet coke break or two is never a bad thing...

3:58 PM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

about "sad". that's haddock, that is. a made-up malady. because if it were true everyone in england would be down with it. then again, maybe they are.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Whats this 2.4 lives thing?

5:58 PM  

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