Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I give up.

I found myself in tears as I was driving home tonight. I'd been round best friend's new house helping unpack stuff with her and her fiance. Her fiance is possibly the most compassionate man alive but sometimes he just doesn't really have a clue. He started asking me about men and can't really understand why at the moment I want to be alone. It's just all the flatmate stuff really took it's toll on me and the thought of being screwwed over again just doesn't really do it for me. Of course they don't know anything about Flatmate so just thing I've been single for quite a while and off men and can't really understand why. He even started trying to set me up with his brother but I was just no into that idea at all.
I don't know why it made me cry, it just did. It wasn't about them and what they have, it was more about me and what I don't have or in fact want. Maybe I should want it but I just don't. I just don't wana get screwwed over and no matter what it seems that I'm that type of girl, the type of girl that gets screwwed over and there's nothing I can fucking do about it.


Blogger Scotty said...

When some are in relationships, they forget what its like to not have someone there for you all of the time. They don't remember what it feels like to want to be alone and take care of yourself.

Your time will come, just make sure that when you are in a relationship you don't forget those that aren't.

2:54 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Sending big hugs to you gorgeous!

Scotty, as usual, is spot on. It's hard and it sucks, but you'll be OK.

Our princes will come. Until then, we get to be single and fabulous!

5:16 PM  
Blogger coffeesnob said...

sticking their oar in is what friends do. it's usually well-meant oarsmanship, of course.

11:44 PM  

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