Saturday, August 11, 2007

Granny Gretta.

Jerk Boy and I made up tonight. We had it out and although he was still mainly blaming someone else as the cause of our argument I think he saw it from my point of view.
In the end we ended up going into town clubbing. It was one of his old uni mates birthday and he somehow dragged me along.
Now, the older I'm getting the more I dislike clubbing. We didn't get into town until gone 10pm after talking out our row. Already the places were full of drunk leaches. I've decided that picking a guy up in a club isn't for me anymore, there was a time when I would have been flattered being hit on in a club but not now.
You see tonight, while the dance floor was extremely full, extremely hot and extremely sweaty! I took a seat and observed people for a while and while observing I realised how drunk everyone was, everyone was so drunk that they wobbled when walking to the bar, that they swayed while dancing and bashed into others around them, causing silly arguments (I was sober by the way because I've had a funny stomach ache all day think I must have eaten something odd I didn't want to drink). Then just to completely confirm all these things that weren't resting comfortable with me a guy came and sat by me, he was a fairly good looking guy, and in the past I would have happily chatted away to him, but he was so drunk, he just started feeling my leg, I picked up his hand and pushed it off me. He didn't even say hello to me or anything he just started feeling my leg! Like at least introduce yourself before you start your feeling session.
I can't be doing it anymore, I'm getting old, Jerk Boy was laughing at me on the way home saying I was Grandma but it's true, I just think that the older I become the less appealing that type of environment is.


Blogger coffeesnob said...

what girl doesn't like grabby, drunk leaches?

so is that it? you absolutely-finally-officially closing the lid on "gretta james: my jeagermeister years"?

7:26 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Youre not getting old, dont be ridiculous.

1:05 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Ew! That's vile! I hope you gave him a piece of your mind! Guys like that deserve a dressing down.

When I was in NZ there was a friend of a friend out with us who barely said a word to me all night then as we were all leaving the club turned to me (the only single girl there) and asked if I wanted to go back to hostel!?

I pointed at him and laughed! Then advised him that if you ARE lucky enough to shag me then you have to put in a little more effort then that and walked away shaking my head. Idiot.

It's not you getting old. It's muppets being drunk!

4:58 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

oh - and have a great time on your work thing! i guess you'll just have to make the best of it... they're the worst...

5:00 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Join the club.

When you get old, you realize you can stay home, drink for less and listen to music you actually enjoy. :D

5:40 AM  

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