Monday, June 25, 2007

The X - Part 4 (The grand finale)

For the next month or so The X and me were spending more time together and things still didn’t feel completely right between us but we were working at it and things seemed to be coming together or at least that’s what I thought and the impression he gave me…



Then there was one week where he “said” to me he had a lot of study to do and that he’d spend time with me when he got chance. This didn’t lie to easy with me, even when he said it something hadn’t convinced me – so I thought I am not going to contact him this week not by text, not by phone, not at all and if he contacts me then he clearly misses me if he doesn’t then we really do have problems. So I went 4 days with no contact what so ever and then I caved and rang him. His dad answered the phone..

Dad: Hi Gretta

Gretta: Hi, is he there?

Dad: Oh no Gretta he’s gone to the pub with the guys

Gretta: Oh ok let him know I rang

I was a little shocked that he’d gone to the pub, even if he had the guys are my friends too and they would have clearly expected him to invite me. Something wasn’t adding up. So, I went to the pub.

When I arrived I didn’t let anyone see me, and I was right, he was there with not just the guys but the gals as well and my friends. Lesbian was there and that’s when I saw it, they were flirting like crazy and the chemistry between them was so visible to me, that it must have been visible to all of my friends. Had they not even asked where I was?

I wanted to go in and start rowing but instead I just slipped quietly away and decided to try and figure out what to do. I spent that whole night awake trying to get my head around it all. Thoughts like this went through my head…

“It’s just harmless flirting”

“She’s a lesbian she doesn’t like him”

“He was just taking a study break and a friend must have invited him out and the others were already there”

I was coming up with as many excused as I could and in the end I decided to just let it go and see what they were like when I was around. The following week we all went out together and sure enough I noticed the flirting then.

So, after 3 years of an on and off relationship and 7 years of wanting this guy. I ended things.

A week later him and Lesbian were in a relationship, whether he’d cheated on me before that I don’t know but they were together. I had it out with Lesbian, in fact a friend of mine had to pull me off of her because I was fuming mad, I never liked the girl but I’d gone out of my way to help her, introduce her to my friends and then she stole my boyfriend! It just didn’t seem right to me.

I stopped talking to both of them and actually I managed to make their lives hell! Not intentionally but the majority of our friends sided with me and therefore stuck with me. If they invited our friends out I’d refuse to go and my friends would often feel in the middle. Him and Lesbian only lasted 5 months, during that time he mucked up a year at uni and had to re-take it and Lesbian left him for a woman haha. You can’t help but laugh about that, I sooo knew she was a lesbian and when it all came out most of our friends were like “I thought she was but when she started seeing The X didn’t think she was afteral”

I didn’t speak to The X for a whole year even though we were still hanging around with the same friends.

After a year, our friends told us we need to be civil and sort it out, so we got together and chatted it all through, he apologised for the way he treated me, I managed to get a lot of hurt off my chest and we’ve been friends ever since, not close friends but friends all the same. I’d never take him back and he knows that, but I also couldn’t chuck away a friendship that I’d had since the age of 13. He’s now seeing someone and has been in a very long relationship with actually a really nice girl who I like a lot. As for Lesbian no one has seen her since I tried to spark her out.

And since then I've been pretty single. I couldn't cope with another relationship like that so I wont get into a relationship unless I am sure I'm gona be treated with the respect I deserve so I guess that's why at the moment I'm happy with my little playful life.

The End..


Blogger Scotty said...

Something wasn’t adding up. So, I went to the pub.
I could only imagine what would have happened if you would have went in.

treated with the respect I deserve

8:22 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

Wow. That's crazy and totally messed up. I'm sorry. Believe me, I understand.

But good for you for not jumping into a relationship where you will not be respected. You deserve love, respect, and honesty. I applaud you for not settling and being happy where you are in your life.

1:14 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Wow, what a nut job! I'm surprised you're as well adjusted as you are!

And I'm standing next to Scotty giving you a standing ovation for the treated with the respect I deserve comment as well.

Bigger and better things my lovely lady!

6:35 PM  
Blogger Vengelyne said...

You have so much more courage than I have, to stand up to what you believe and not settling for what a guy couldn't give you for what you deserve...

Although my love life isn't as colourful or dramatic as yours, but I feel you, girl. I really do, especially the part about having sleepless nights thinking about things and finding excuses for him. That's so pathetic. I still do it, but I wish I can stop altogether.

And I couldn't help, but laugh at the part that she left him for another woman. That must've hurt him. Ouch! But he deserves it.

9:14 AM  

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