Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Super Tired...

Jerk Boy didn't get the job, it was odd how nervous I was for him. There were loads of applicants for the job so I wasn't shocked taht he didn't get it. I was sat by a lady who was there for her daughter who had applied and she asked me if Jerk Boy was my partner. What a surprise NOT. Everyone asks that, one day we might give off a vibe that says... "We're just friends" but until that day I guess I'll go with being asked "is he your partner?" and then answering politely "No he's just my friend" altho today I was tempted to say "actually he's gay!" but as he's not that probably wouldn't have gone down too well if he found out for some reason. Hehe there's always next time *evil cackle*
After such a long day I think I am going to spend some time chilling.


Blogger Vengelyne said...

I think saying he's gay to others would've been funny, but people would believe anything they hear.

You need to amuse yourself whilst doing him a favour. ;)

8:22 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

He probably didn't get it because he didn't take your dressing advice.

10:51 PM  
Blogger j;ljk said...

Lol, I love the evil cackle you added in there. Sucks that he didn't get the job though...

1:15 AM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

My bestie ManSlut and I get that all the time. But as we always say to each other "I love, I just don't wanna f*ck you!"

Bummer about the job - would it have been easier for you if you guys didn't work together?

7:17 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Venge: It would have been funny, and I'm beginning to really wish I had just to amuse myself.

Scotty: It was definitely because he didn't look the part - you're so right.

Socal: It doesn't suck that much, it means he sticks around hehe.

Bondi: Even though we work together our hours no longer co-incide like they used to. Generally it's at important meetings when all departments get together that I see him in work. We just happen to hang around with the same group of friends out of work too - used to be messy but not so much anymore. So, even if he did get the job we'd stay in touch.

7:23 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

I'd gone with the gay comment. :D

8:36 AM  

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