Wednesday, June 27, 2007

In need

I’m fed up now, this is ridiculous, I need to meet new people, I need to meet new men. The men in my life are all people I’ve known for some time now. I need something new, something fresh, something fun and something I can get my teeth into. I’m bored of the men in my life, I need something more.


Blogger Scotty said...

Go new places in town, places you haven't been before... you're sure to meet new people that way!

8:07 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

I was just thinking this same thing last night and was trying to come up with a plan on how to accomplish it.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Vengelyne said...

This is so bizarre. I'm feeling that right now. Well, I'm not bored of the men in my life because they're nonexistent, but I feel the need to get away. I'm thinking of moving to either Hong Kong or Singapore. :| People told me the men there are worse. Lol.

8:53 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

You need to move away from flatmate and stop flirting with JerkBoy (tm), too. :)

10:05 AM  
Blogger Scotty said...

Vengelyne - Hey! I have been to both Hong Kong and Singapore... but I can't speak for the men in either place :)

2:37 PM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

I think you and I could cause a riot in Bondi if you ever hit my golden shores?

Wanna make a pact? How's about you and I both make sure we go somewhere we haven't been each day this weekend?

7:43 PM  
Blogger Gretta James said...

Scotty: My issue is the majority of my friends are now in couples so going out in town doesn't happen often anymore - it sucks believe me.

Beth: When you get a plan tell me :)

Venge: I don't think it's the destination, hun you need to find a good guy, just like I do. They're few and far between hun, moving wont help - sorry to burst the bubble :(

2x: You're completely right. However, it's easier said than done!

Bondi: we can internet riot ;) and ok I'll go to some new places but it's gona be more like cafe rather than bar - I'm getting old lol.

1:28 AM  

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