Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Change happens so learn to live with it Gretta.

Where to start. So, Jerk Boy finally got the project and he loved my work and also had finished his half and the 2 halfs fit together perfectly so I feel so much better. There needs to be a few finishing touches to it but I've left that with him and I feel free from it.
Note to self: Don't offer to do other people's work for them.
I've arranged to meet up with Bouncer and his friend late Friday night, we're going to go out for food after he arrives. So that's all good.
Something else happened yesterday though that's caused me to be a bit low. My someone contacted me and told me that him and his beautiful girlfriend are looking into buying a house together. This shouldn't really have upset me definitely considering he was always geeky and that it never would have worked between us but it just felt like the end of an era. I don't know I can't even begin to explain it. I guess it's like that first love, or your childhood sweetheart and suddenly they're settling down and you feel a bit lost. I don't know I can't begin to explain it. It's not envy, it's not 'that could have been me' because I really wouldn't have wanted it. I guess it's just accepting that change happens, people move on, it's just I find it hard and I don't really even know why!!! Confused? Me to.


Blogger Vengelyne said...

You know, babe... I think JerkBoy is still affecting you despite your trying to stay away... you should just STOP letting his actions faze you. Try to do it slowly... it'd do you good.

Maybe you were feeling what you were feeling abt the geeky guy buying a house with his new beau because you've not been able to let him go entirely yet, but he has moved on so quickly and into a deeper level of commitment in that new relationship...

You should remember the big picture on why you felt it wouldn't have worked out in the first place. Just remind yourself: BIG PICTURE! BIG PICTURE! and you'd feel better in no time. But then again, different people move on at different paces. I hope you find ways to move on faster!

2:47 AM  

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