Monday, September 04, 2006

Still "trying" to move on but I am superglued to the floor

I'm upset, everything has gone wrong.

Random guy is really getting on my nerves now and am thinking I am gona have to tell him that there is no way I would go out with him. He's way too full on and altho hasn't told me he likes me I am beginning to think he thinks we're an item and he feels like I am his possession or something. He doesn't live in the same city as me but he texts me almost daily. I am telling you I am getting the serious heebeegeebees.

Ok but that's not even the real problem. It's Jerk boy (again), why can't I move on from him? This is what's happened now - every year I go away with about 6 friends, usually it's 2 couples, and then me and a friend. However at the dinner table the other night Jerk boy invited himself along, well we couldn't exactly say you're not welcome, he's a friend and in general it's usually the same 5 ,me and the couples but the person that comes with me changes one year it was 8 of us. So, it looks like it's going to be 2 couples and me and Jerk boy next year. After everything that happened this doesn't seem wise to me but there is no way I am giving up my annual break with friends, but they're his friends too and he wants to come. So we're going to be stuck with each other, if anything it's going to be humourous.

The only issue I really have is this, when I am with him everything is easy, half the time we act like a married couple, the other half of the time we are pushing each other away coz of the fear of getting to close and we both are fully aware we do it.

I've just been chatting to a friend online who's recently got married and she's telling me how hard organising Christmas is with their 2 families combined and how her parents want them but live far away and it's gona cost them a small fortune and how it would be much cheaper and easier to visit her hubby's parents. Yet, it's all such a stress. It's funny cos when I think about me and Jerk boy I know that the family situation would be so easily. He has so many in his family that there is no way his family would worry if he couldn't make it, and my 'rents are so laid back that they left me on my own one year while they went galavanting to another country to have a hot CHristmas.

When I think about me and Jerk boy in the long run I just see it working, we've been friends ever since I can remember, we have the same sense of humour, we argue now and then yet we always resolve it, we are so honest with each other, we can even say to each other "I really don't think what your wearing today suits you" and "that was inappropriate to say to that person maybe you should apologise" he's said it to me and I've said it to him, we also feel comfortable correcting each other, at the same time we have fun together. If things hadn't gone pair shaped last year we could have been together for a year this month. A year. But no, that's NEVER going to happen. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I just don't understand we get on so well but no it's NEVER going to flipping well happen.

Sorry, I think I am having a bad jerk boy day, I'll somehow get there, I don't have a choice I have to.


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