Friday, August 19, 2011

A reminder of a life that once was.

I went out tonight.

It was the first time I'd been out on the time since I don't know wheN. It is only 1.30am and I'm at home witing this. That should give you the idea of the night it was. Back in teh day this ayh have beena 4am post.

Hoeber, by typos and spelling erros that i canp be arsed to crrect uught give you an idea of how muc alchole consumed.

The restaurant got the order worng and when I requested to epale ot the manager about this. The mana ger came and spoke to me. I polielt asked for a refun d and the manager said she can'toffer oseme a refun b0t she can offe rmt taleb 4 bottles of free wine and any soft drinks for those drinking sofr dtring. Well as it happens nly 6 people ont eht taleb were drinking wine and 4 people sfot drinks so at a table for 10 we had a LOOOOTO OF WINE.

Im pissed totally. I;ve flallne donw, skagged my tights, bruised my knee. been to wee at eleast 3 imes in the last housr

Ive trued to drink 3 pints of water beofe ogojng to bed ad the room is still fucking spining.

If you undersant this you desrve a medal. Here havew one! *passes reader a medal*

I'm drink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know me. I don't know you. But omg. Best post ever.

7:47 PM  
Blogger Scotty said...

I understand :)

5:35 AM  

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