Thursday, January 24, 2008


Went to the pub last night for a karaoke night.
It was ok me and the girls got up and did a rather bad rendition of I will survive.
Some of the boys (including Climberdudes) did an even worse rendition of build me up buttercup.
Climber Dude cannot sing a note in tune, it was hilarious, I actually think he thought he was good. lol.
Afterwards Climber Dude came back to mine and we watched Bad Boys, nothing to report, it was just 2 friends watching a movie. He's off for the weekend going away for his dad's 60th or something. I was listening to him talk to his mum on the phone when he was at mine, and he really really values his family a lot, he came across as so caring, it took me a bit by surprise, I've known he's been caring towards me, he's in the medical profession so you assume he's just a bit caring by nature but I think eavesdropping on his conversation with his mum just confirmed to me how caring he is.
I can't figure him out, if he is playing games and messing me about I don't think he'd do it intentionally, it just doesn't seem to be in his character in every other aspect of his life.


Blogger Scotty said...


2:03 PM  
Blogger Princess Banter said...

Hahah I Will Survive is the BEST karaoke song ever! DId you do a dance with it? :)

8:55 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

Not all guys are bad...
Not all of them are good, either!

That being said, he probably isn't really trying to play with your head.

8:53 AM  
Blogger bondibetty said...

Listen to Rusty, then invite him over and don't watch a movie with him ;o)

*evil laugh*

Betty is feeling naughty today... sorry... I know not every problem can be solved with sex but it sure feels good!

and NO that doesn't mean call Flatmate!

9:53 PM  

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